Limerick-Off Monday – Rhyme Word: WRAP or RAP at the end of any one line (Submission Deadline: August 21, 2021)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same rhyme word. Then you post your limerick(s) as a comment to this post and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

I hope you’ll join me in writing limericks using WRAP or RAP at the end of any one line. (Homonyms or homophones are fine.)

The best submission will be crowned Limerick-Off Award Winner. (Here’s last week’s Limerick-Off Award Winner.)

Additionally, you may write themed limericks related to MOODS, using any rhyme word. And of course I’ll present an extra award — one for the best MOOD-related limerick.

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, cleverness, and humor. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, here’s my How To Write A Limerick article.)

I’ll announce the winners on August 22, 2021, right before I post the next Limerick-Off. So that gives you two full weeks to submit your clever, polished verse. Your submission deadline is Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time.)

Here’s my WRAP or RAP-rhyme limerick:

A worker caught taking a nap
Succeeded at beating the rap:
“My cubicle mate
Caused my somnolent state;
He’s a terribly boring young chap.”

And here’s my MOOD-themed limerick:

A woman whose boss was capricious
Found his mood swings pernicious and vicious.
But HR took his side,
Implying she’d lied.
Soon thereafter he died — death suspicious.

Please feel free to enter my Limerick-Off by posting your limerick(s) in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please email Subject: MadKane’s Newsletter. Thanks!

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217 Responses to “Limerick-Off Monday – Rhyme Word: WRAP or RAP at the end of any one line (Submission Deadline: August 21, 2021)”

  1. Lisi Nortman says:

    Ah Hah! “wifey” dear, you’ve been drinking!
    Can’t fool me, you really are stinking!
    Because of your mood,
    I can only conclude
    You’re back to that habit of thinking.

  2. Lisi Nortman says:

    I used to be one mature chap.
    Never liked all that babyish crap.
    But now I’ve regressed.
    And completely obsessed
    With that groovy and cool bubble wrap.

  3. Lisi Nortman says:

    Lots of nutrients, clappity clap.
    No cholesterol, slappity slap.
    Tastes real cool with jelly.
    Satisfaction in belly.
    And that’s what we call white bread rap.

  4. Rudy Landesman says:

    van Beethoven said he was busy.
    Ludwig’s life was too much in a tizzy.
    He was not in the mood
    To compose an etude,
    But he did write a nice song für Lisi.

    The Bagatelle in a minor WoO 59 nicknamed “Für Elise” is one of Ludwig van Beethoven’s best known works.

  5. Lisi Nortman says:

    Rudy, I’m honored! Between you and me, I am much older than I look.
    Beethoven DID write that for me. We were an “item”

    Are you sure that you don’t have the clap?
    I’m not just one gullible chap.
    Oh, Babe, that was great.
    But it’s gettin real late.
    Gotta go. See you soon. That’s a wrap.

  6. Terry Marter says:

    I write lim’ricks when I’m in the mood
    They’re my idle mind’s word-snacking food
    If they don’t rhyme I whine
    till they do, then feel fine
    But if Mad doesn’t rate them I’m screwed.

  7. Brian Allgar says:

    If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s rap,
    That mindless, unmusical pap.
    The name would be better
    With one extra letter;
    It shouild be referred to as ‘crap’.

  8. Brian Allgar says:

    With lust, I began to unwrap
    The beautiful girl on my lap.
    But I got so aroused
    That my passion was doused
    By a ‘premature’ sort of mishap.

  9. Brian Allgar says:

    Napoléon hotly pursued
    Her, and often did things rather lewd.
    But she ceased to excite,
    And he’d say “Not tonight,
    Joséphine, I am not in the mood.”

  10. Fred Bortz says:

    The farmer deserves to be booed.
    His dairy production is crude.
    His yogurt tastes funky.
    His milk pours out chunky.
    And his cattle sound off their bad mooed.

  11. Jesse Levy says:

    One thing I know about dudes
    It’s easy to improve their moods
    Just show a few snaps
    Of some girls without wraps
    But make sure the guys aren’t prudes

  12. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    On the subject of puns, readers waffle.
    Some will groan; others say, “They’re unlawful!”
    I’ll confess to the rap,
    Cuz it’s just so much flap.
    But you’d think it would make me falafel.

  13. Terry Marter says:

    Now sometimes, when I’m in the mood
    I do life-drawing class (I’m no prude).
    But the model looks stressed
    Fully dressed, – unimpressed
    That I choose to paint Him while I’m nude.

  14. Kirk Miller says:

    Today he is feeling such lust,
    He knows very soon that he must
    See if wife’s in the mood.
    He’ll suggest something lewd,
    And hope that his wife gets his thrust.

  15. Don Lee says:

    Should we put a wrap
    on the contemporary rap
    Oh surely not to stifle
    maybe just a little muffle
    some still call rock ‘n roll crap

  16. Don Lee says:

    Theme MOOD

    When the atmosphere
    is cool and clear
    and the time is right
    you just might
    shed a courageous tear

  17. Lisi Nortman says:

    It’s not really how it appears.
    Every person I see interferes.
    Just because I don’t grin,
    The truth is I’ve been
    In this mood for the last 50 years.

  18. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    When my feelings are tied to a tether,
    Pulling this way and that way together,
    That’s a hitch or a glitch,
    I’m not sure which is which,
    But my mood all depends on the whether.

  19. Rudy Landesman says:

    Glenn Miller, he was in the mood,
    While Ellington often would brood
    In an indigo vein.
    And though they were twain,
    They both were with rhythm imbued.

  20. Lisi Nortman says:

    Hey Bill, will you stop all that gawking!
    For fitness, you ought to go walking.
    Don’t mean to me rude,
    But to lift my bad mood,
    Please shut your big mouth and stop talking.

  21. Al Hood says:

    The director said, “Joe that’s a wrap
    Let me take this chance to recap
    There’s many a factor
    That makes a good actor
    Of which you possess nary a scrap”

  22. Terry Marter says:

    As I slipped through the fun park today
    I could feel all my blues slide away,
    And a few bad mood swings
    Settled down to good things, –
    Took me up, in a roundabout way .

  23. Lisi Nortman says:

    For the most part, my sweetie’s real kind,
    But now and then, she is inclined
    To be in a bad mood,
    It’s a cinch to conclude,
    When she says those 2 words: “never mind.”

  24. Dave Johnson says:

    Their boss, in a very bad mood,
    Decided to light up his brood.
    Attendees relate
    An accountant could state
    The number of asses he chewed.

  25. Dave Johnson says:

    The typical “not in the mood”
    Goes back to a mindset imbued
    With grievances that
    Drop desires to flat;
    Translation: nobody gets screwed.

  26. Lisi Nortman says:

    Listen To Your Therapist! “Mood Elevators”

    “Your doldrums are very extreme.
    Take this medicine ; you will just beam.
    Have ten doses a day.
    Please strictly obey.
    It’s a cure-all that’s known as “Ice Cream”

  27. Terry Marter says:

    There are three kinds of music, – no question
    Namely Good, Bad, and Country-n-Western.
    Not exclusive to Rap, –
    Two of Three contain crap.
    It depends on your taste and perception.

  28. Tony Holmes says:

    At my best, I’m all sweetness and light.
    In this mood I’m as high as a kite.
    But beware when I growl,
    For my mood has turned foul,
    And my bark is no match for my bite

  29. Tony Holmes says:

    By the light of the silvery moon
    I transform not a moment too soon.
    And the girl in my arms,
    With the loss of my charms,
    Takes this opportune moment to swoon.

  30. Tony Holmes says:

    That’s a ‘wolfish’ mood limerick. Should have made that clearer. Sorry.

  31. Tony Holmes says:

    One endeavours to weather life’s storm
    With a stiff upper lip as one’s norm.
    With an unruffled calm,
    With good grace, wit, and charm.
    Irritation? No! Very bad form.

    The mood of the Englishman as portrayed by David Niven.

  32. Tony Holmes says:

    “Lycanthropic? How dare you! That’s rude.
    You’re implying I’m coming unglued.
    So, I howl at the moon.
    Don’t be so picayune!
    Where’s the harm if it lightens my mood?”

  33. Doug Harris says:

    Modern sandwiches really are crap,
    Designed for the calorie gap.
    My own lunchtime mission
    Is snackly nutrition
    With plenty of veg. That’s a wrap!

  34. My limerick is due today.
    But on vacation, I just want to lay.
    So here is some pap
    and I’ll call it a wrap.
    My Trump pieces were stale anyway.

  35. Doug Harris says:

    “Hey my darling, are you in the mood?
    Testosterone fully imbued?”
    “Yes I am!”, my reply …
    “How I love D-I-Y,
    The best way for a man to get screwed!”

  36. Fred Bortz says:

    Vice President Burr laid a trap,
    A venomous screed full of crap.
    Though the duel broke the law,
    And all Weehawken saw,
    The murderer still beat the rap.

    And speaking of rap, you should know
    That the duel is just part of the show
    Where the great Lin Manuel
    Saw a story to tell
    That would make him huge pile of dough.

  37. Divorcee found her cervix was capped,
    filled with cobwebs and dust and more trapped.
    ex-spouse was a jerk,
    now married nice clerk.
    Undercover and happily wrapped.

  38. Lisi Nortman says:

    On a day in which nothing is wrong,
    I sing a real light-hearted song.
    But if I see Rick,
    My mood changes quick.
    Cuz his “long stories short” are too long.

  39. Lisi Nortman says:

    When my mood ring is bright flaming red,
    Then nary a tear do I shed.
    Bad moods turn it blue.
    And then it tends to
    Leave a big mark on somebody’s head.

  40. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Lisi –you beat me to the punch! (“great” minds think like? Either that or we’re stuck in the seventies?) Now I like your mood ring better than my mood ring.

    Though my mood ring is now an antique,
    I still wear it (my friends say it’s chic).
    That the color each day
    Is primarily gray,
    Simply means I’m approaching my pique.

    (We’ve got a potential saga here. Tolkien, eat your heart out).

  41. Lisi Nortman says:

    Sjaan: LOL !!

    If you’d like a career in rap,
    You can’t be a pro in a snap.
    You must forget grammar.
    Think more about clamor.
    Do not finish ONE sentence, ‘ole chap.

  42. Lisi Nortman says:


    If you’d like a career in rap,
    You can’t be a pro in a snap.
    Forget about grammar.
    Think more about clamor.
    Don’t get stuck in “complete sentence trap”

  43. Sondra Landin says:

    Will she be in the mood for a wrap,
    At that place with the good brew on tap?
    No, she’ll spout with a sneer,
    “I just never touch beer,
    And I don’t eat that pap – not a scrap!”

  44. Sondra Landin says:

    I’m a woman of contrasting moods,
    And for each I wear colorful snoods;
    It’s puce, red or yellow
    When I have to bellow,
    And soft green when I savor good foods.

  45. Sondra Landin says:

    A one word change (improvement?) in Line 5 of my 4:25pm limerick

    Will she be in the mood for a wrap,
    At that place with the good brew on tap?
    No, she’ll spout with a sneer,
    “I just never touch beer,
    And I don’t eat that crap – not a scrap!”

  46. Dave Johnson says:

    Avoiding a musical trap,
    She’s not playing country or rap.
    The guests there tonight
    Want it fluffy and light;
    So bring on that old disco crap!

  47. Rudy Landesman says:

    In Beckett’s short play about Krapp,
    The actor on stage has to rap
    With his very last tapes;
    While the audience gapes,
    Or else, is just taking a nap.

  48. Terry Marter says:

    When the workmates around you are glum
    You can disintegrate their ho-hum
    By dropping your panties
    And showing those anti’s
    Your bright smiley-face painted Bum.

  49. Rudy Landesman says:

    Variation of this was sent to AWAD

    He’s always been circumlocutional.
    That’s legal and quite constitutional.
    He’s got a vile rap
    And can’t shut his trap.
    Trump really needs care institutional.

  50. Lisi Nortman says:

    The froggies and toadies don’t stop.
    When they dance to the beat of the bop.
    And those webbed feet sure tap
    When they groove to good rap.
    Cause they all love to hippity hop.

  51. We find wealth readily at The Gap,
    with the clothes over priced and then wrapped.
    In the cart it all goes,
    and boy money sure flows.
    They’ll be back in a week for more crap!

  52. We find wealth readily at The Gap,
    with the clothes over priced then a wrap.
    In the cart is all goes,
    and boy money sur flows.
    They’ll be back in a week for more crap!

    Slight change.

  53. Lisi Nortman says:

    A Little Known Fact

    Albert Einstein was very aware
    That his intellect surely was rare.
    This multi-skilled chap
    Also sang real cool rap.
    And his stage name was EMC Square.

  54. Lisi Nortman says:

    Al Capone was a very strong chap.
    He could lift heavy weights in a snap.
    When he aimed for much more,
    We must never ignore
    His invention of “Gangsta Wrist Wrap”

  55. Tony Holmes says:

    “With amour I am wholly consumed.
    Which is why I am groomed and perfumed.
    “Oh, so you’re in the mood?”
    “As you see, I am nude.
    When I’m naked, the mood is assumed.”

  56. Tim James says:

    There once was a lawyer named Rudy
    Whose cash flow was making him moody.
    “Lord Trump, it’s no joke;
    Pay my fees or I’m broke!”
    The reply: “Stick those bills up your booty!”

  57. Terry Marter says:

    A nutritionist in fact-finding mood
    Decried alphabet soup as a food
    “Avoid eating vowels,
    they will clog up your bowels, –
    likewise consonants, eg: es-chewed.

  58. Dave Johnson says:

    Trump’s MAGA brigade has a chap
    Who’s busy producing a cap.
    It’s silver, not red,
    That’s adorning each head;
    With Reynolds providing the Wrap.

  59. Sondra Landin says:

    Yes, I’m in the mood for a nap;
    Good book on my lap, comfy wrap;
    I doze and I dream,
    Then wake to a scream-
    “Last stop, folks – and please mind the gap!”

  60. Lisi Nortman says:

    Last Tuesday, I rushed to my shrink.
    Told him, “Doc, I am just on the brink.”
    My mood was so grim
    He said, “My dear Jim
    You look like I need a strong drink.”

  61. Third times a charm?

    We find lots of rich folks at the Gap,
    with the clothes over priced then a wrap.
    In the cart it all goes,
    and boy money sure flows.
    They’ll be back in a week for more crap!

  62. Lisi Nortman says:

    The mood of all seniors: Sublime!
    Up the ladder of joy we all climb.
    We’re so full of glee.
    Because we can pee
    And sneeze and laugh at the same time.

  63. Lisi Nortman says:

    A Different L5 of above limerick

    The mood of all seniors: Sublime!
    Up the ladder of joy, we all climb.
    We’re so full of glee.
    Because we can pee
    Sneeze, laugh, and cough at the same time.

  64. Tony Holmes says:

    Agamemnon had said quite enough,
    And Achilles stumped off in a huff.
    Jesses both, they would brood
    And maintain their bad mood
    Till the time came for Ach’ to get tough.

  65. Tony Holmes says:

    Sorry, missed out the ‘i’ in jessies. (Brit slang for oversensitive males.)

    Agamemnon had said quite enough,
    And Achilles stumped off in a huff.
    Jessies both, they would brood
    And maintain their bad mood
    Till the time came for Ach’ to get tough.

  66. Lisi Nortman says:

    The Senior Curmudgeon Speaks:

    “I’m too old to get into rap.
    Don’t care, cause that hip-hop is crap.
    Used to party and drink.
    At the girls, I would wink.
    But now “Happy Hour’s” a nap.”

  67. Rudy Landesman says:

    Anything crude you sing
    I can sing cruder
    I can sing anything cruder than you
    —lost lyric by Irving Berlin

    They say writing’s a character shaper.
    That’s just bullshit and gaseous vapor.
    I say it’s just crap
    Which I carefully wrap
    In some “Charmin”, that soft toilet paper.

  68. Commercial director he rapped,
    “have shoulders exposed, get girl snapped.
    The tension increased,
    director a beast.
    Outfit in burlap relief to unstrap.

  69. Lisi Nortman says:

    We all love the “Chinese Buffet”
    The best part’s the won-ton “display”
    The noodle’s the wrap.
    Their cooked in a snap.
    And are eaten by Jews Christmas Day.

  70. Bob Turvey says:

    When a well-dressed and handsome young chap,
    On the privy door gave a sharp rap,
    It opened, and Jane
    Said, “God, you again.
    Can’t a girl have some peace for a nap?”

  71. Bob Turvey says:

    When Dad died Mum felt really moody;
    The obit she read was quite rude. He
    Had died in July;
    But the typesetter guy,
    Told folk that he had died in Judy.

  72. Terry Marter says:

    A moll in a stole, stole a wrap
    Which she gave to her favourite chap
    But the chap was a mole, –
    To reduce his parole
    Grassed her up, – now she’s taking the rap.

  73. Lisi Nortman says:

    Always side by side, me and my “hon”
    But sometimes I feel I should run.
    I get a slight clue
    When she feels a bit blue,
    When I notice she’s holding a gun.

  74. Baristas say difficult rap,
    like half a decafe hold the frapp.
    It’s half of the craft,
    for being the staffed.
    And Starbucks can caffeinate map.

  75. Lisi Nortman says:

    “Put On A Happy Face”

    I’m so happy, I can’t wait to run
    And delight at the bright shiny sun.
    I smile all day long,
    Sing a real jolly song.
    But I’m mis’rable, so it ain’t fun.

  76. Terry Marter says:

    Beethoven dropped in from hereafter
    Met Glenn Miller, (but snubbed Frank Sinatra)
    Glenn got Lud’ In The Mood
    Then co-opted the dude, –
    They came up with Moonlight Serenata.

  77. Lisi Nortman says:

    My homework demands concentration,
    Requiring much dedication.
    And I know in a snap
    When the back round is rap,
    I sure need a good education.

  78. Tim James says:

    She was wearing a nice dress and wrap
    When her man went and set off a scrap:
    “An ensemble like that
    Makes your butt look less fat!”
    Now he’s learned to shut firmly his yap.

  79. Rudy Landesman says:

    Prince Hamlet, his mood apoplectic
    And worried by this dialectic:
    Of whether to be
    Or of troubles be free,
    Lived a life that was surely most hectic.

  80. Lisi Nortman says:

    Angry Rappers: “Where the “F” is the melody?”

    I’ve got my own theory ’bout rap.
    All that shouting’s because of a sap
    Who wrote all the tunes,
    But preferred the saloons.
    Didn’t show. What a self-centered chap!

  81. I prefer to be under the wraps,
    but happens when feet in the straps.
    No woman does crave,
    but probably shave.
    If ‘tending her annual pap.

  82. missed the final ‘s’

    I prefer to be under the wraps,
    but happens when feet in the straps.
    No woman does crave,
    but probably shave.
    If ‘tending her annual paps.

  83. Lisi Nortman says:

    And Speaking About Moods:

    Can’t believe this, you never would guess.
    There’s a sign on our door, (what a mess!)
    Right smack in the center
    It says, “Do Not Enter
    Turn Around. Go Away. PMS”

  84. Tony Holmes says:

    “I was plagued by a toffee-nosed prude –
    For disporting myself in the nude –
    Till she joined me one day,
    In my natal display,
    And declaimed, ‘How it brightens one’s mood!’”

  85. Tony Holmes says:

    I’m aware that I overuse nude
    As a suitable rhyme word for mood.
    I refuse to use crap,
    As a rhyme word for rap,
    But must work out a way to use lewd.

  86. Terry Marter says:

    Replaces August 11. 9.50am

    A moll stole a stole (it’s a wrap)
    Which she sold to a girl with a chap.
    But the chap was a mole
    And the wrap the moll stole
    was set by the mole as a trap.

  87. Lisi Nortman says:

    There’s talk that I’m very unkind.
    Most people say that I’m inclined
    To be moody and gloomy,
    Yet if they truly knew me,
    I punch them, but just in my mind.

  88. Steve Benko says:

    Said the spider, “You’re now in my trap,
    And these silks all around you I’ll wrap.”
    Said the fly, “Don’t be hasty!
    I’m really not tasty;
    For lunch I just ate some dog crap.”

  89. Steve Benko says:

    I’m Notorious Steve, here’s my rap:
    I love strippers who dance in my lap.
    I entice ’em with verse,
    And my poems are terse;
    Just five lines, then I grab, and they slap.

  90. Lisi Nortman says:

    My uncle is one stingy chap.
    His presents are second-hand crap.
    He re-gifts all that trash.
    And saves all his cash.
    Then uses a newspaper wrap.

  91. Lisi Nortman says:

    This One Is Better

    My uncle is one stingy chap.
    His presents are second-hand crap.
    He goes to the “thrift”
    Then buys you a gift.
    Which he covers in newspaper wrap.

  92. Tim James says:

    A woman was down in the dumps
    (She’d been dating a series of chumps).
    But the cure for her ills
    Wasn’t in any pills;
    She just sprang for a new pair of pumps.

  93. Steve Benko says:

    When my wife found receipts for massage,
    Her suspicions I couldn’t dislodge.
    “There was no happy ending!”
    I said, but she’s sending
    My clothes to me in the garage.

  94. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    My old tree surgeon, one Woodrow Tapp,
    Who fixed trees, using gauze and a wrap,
    Almost barking, once said
    (his words stick in my head),
    “If you don’t think it’s blood, you’re a sap!”

    (Tapp cared so much for xylem,
    Trees became his asylum.)

  95. Rudy Landesman says:

    The German philosopher Hegel
    And his countryman Friedrich von Schlegel,
    In the mood for debate
    About what they just ate:
    “Was it lox that they had on their bagel.”

  96. Confusion when shallow in yap,
    is talker a vapid young chap?
    inspect then reflect,
    select hope correct.
    Then scrap or to cousin, we’ll wrap.

  97. Steve Benko says:

    “When I’m angry I know what to do,”
    Said Donald, “to stop feeling blue.
    I gather some friends
    And some porn stars (all 10’s),
    And together we stage a nice coup.”

  98. Terry Marter says:

    For his jaw-dropping lightning-speed rap
    They stood up and applauded the chap.
    If you need explanations
    A standing ovation’s
    A vertical very long clap.

  99. Hopefully better.

    Confusion when shallow with rap,
    is singer a vapid young chap?
    Inspect then reflect,
    It sounds incorrect.
    If frank, it is really just crap.

  100. Did clearly confused our dear Kane,
    and really did mess with her brain.
    I’ll try much less pap,
    may even learn rap.
    Less nebulous thoughts you can train.

  101. Lisi Nortman says:

    It’s essential that ev’ry one knows.
    Listen up, guys, cause here’s how it goes:
    Get outta my face.
    I need lots a’ space.
    I’m wearin’ my real grouchy clothes.

  102. Lisi Nortman says:

    It’s her birthday, but still I don’t know
    How to “pretty up” gifts like a pro.
    Yet there’s no need for wrap
    And all of that crap.
    Cuz there’s something called “bag with a bow.”

  103. Lisi Nortman says:

    You buy someone a gift that’s real neat.
    You feel it just cannot be beat.
    The hell with the wrap,
    And that real fancy crap.
    Just remember to keep the receipt.

  104. Steve Benko says:

    It’s always a lift to my mood
    To see girls at the beach going nude.
    At such beautiful sights
    No one fusses or fights;
    We’d have peace if swimsuits we eschewed.

  105. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    With a beat and a stomp and a clap,
    “We Will Rock You” went wild in a snap.
    Although what’s it all mean,
    If God can’t save the Queen,
    Who created Bohemian Rhap?

  106. Terry Marter says:

    Covid Cops.
    A detective with questions to ask
    Said do not interfere with my task.
    You’ve been caught, cut the crap
    You’ll be taking the rap
    For robbing a bank with no mask.

  107. Lisi Nortman says:

    It’s been a confusing ordeal.
    Don’t know if I ever will heal.
    Someone stole my mood ring,
    In May of last Spring.
    Since then, I don’t know how I feel.

  108. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Poe would clap o’er his ears a wool cap,
    When his nerd of a bird spoiled his nap.
    “In my haven, old raven,
    You crave misbehavin’,
    But jeez,” he cried, “PLEASE! No more rap!”

  109. Terry Marter says:

    She had set up the room for her Tim
    Moody music, – romantic’ly dim.
    Then got stoned in the nude,
    Woke up with some dude
    Who said “Tim couldn’t make it , – I’m Jim!”

  110. Kirk Miller says:

    The inventor of girdles got crap
    For his work, was an unhappy chap.
    Got NO recognition,
    Which curbed his ambition.
    People said that he got a bum wrap.

  111. Jean McEwen says:

    The transgression (transmitting the clap)
    Cries out for a culprit – some sap
    Who’ll fess up to the crime
    But not me – not this time!
    No, look elsewhere. I won’t take the rap.

  112. Jean McEwen says:

    Disquietude ne’er makes me brood.
    Yet the calm times can make me unglued.
    I can smile when I’m sad
    And yet sulk when I’m glad.
    Thus, my moods often get misconstrued.

  113. Rudy Landesman says:

    I’m moon-struck with joy every day.
    No matter the season. It’s May!
    But then late at night
    With his silvery light
    That old devil gloom comes my way.

  114. Rudy Landesman says:

    Hey Coleridge, please show me the map
    Where that ill wind did die and entrap
    That old, ancient ship
    On its long ocean trip
    That inspired your mariner’s rap.

  115. Lisi Nortman says:

    It looks like I sure won’t adapt.
    And not only that, I feel trapped.
    I’m warning you : RUN!
    This plight won’t be fun.
    The chain on my mood swing just snapped.

  116. Lisi Nortman says:

    My darling, we’d better forego.
    Our ride to that wonderful show.
    I was just in the mood.
    Don’t mean to be rude.
    But that was 5 minutes ago.

  117. Lisi Nortman says:

    I’m someone who always feels crappy.
    Watch out! I’m exceedingly snappy.
    So gloomy am I
    That I think I will die.
    Then SUDDENLY! I’m real unhappy.

  118. Terry Marter says:

    Loud bangs on my door, – Rap! Rap! Rap!
    Interrupting my afternoon nap.
    Again, – a loud din
    Yelling “Please let me in,
    I’m in desperate need of a Crap”.

  119. Steve Benko says:

    Just an hour remaining on “wrap,”
    And I’ve just woken up from a nap!
    Like the hare in the fable,
    I slept; now some knave’ll
    Surpass me here on the last lap!

    From Mad Kane:

    Your limerick sent me flying to my calendar to double-check. Whew! This contest runs for another week. The deadline is NEXT Saturday, August 21.

  120. Steve Benko says:

    In the olden days, young and madcap,
    For hours a girl I could zap.
    On and on without limits!
    Now after two minutes,
    My willy proclaims, “That’s a wrap.”

  121. Steve Benko says:

    To Mad:

    Oops! That’s what a nap does to my brain. Should I resubmit next Saturday or can we pretend?


    From Mad:

    LOL! Pretending is fine.

  122. Terry Marter says:

    A gate-crasher was screaming some rap
    and was told to calm down, – “Shut your trap.
    We don’t need a loud din,
    and you’re not allowed in
    So just bugger off now there’s a good chap”.

  123. Terry Marter says:

    f you want to know just how I feel
    I suggest we go out for a meal.
    Then to get my mood randy
    You can start with fine brandy
    While we dine at the Ritz, that’s the deal.

  124. Steve Benko says:

    Mrs. Lincoln came home from the theatre
    Distraught, with just one thought that steeled her:
    “I can stay in this house;
    Andrew Johnson won’t grouse.”
    But alas, she soon needed a realtor.

  125. Tony Holmes says:

    As I sink in the pit of despair
    I cry out, “Is there nobody there?”
    No surprise, no replies –
    No one’s there, damn their eyes!
    I’m compelled to conclude life’s unfair.

    This is what happens when you read Dostoevsky.

  126. Tony Holmes says:

    You have questions regarding my mood
    And are wondering why I’m so rude?
    Shall I give you the gist
    As to why I am pissed?
    Well, today I got royally screwed.

  127. Tony Holmes says:

    When my mood starts to swing, please beware.
    I can go from a smile to a glare
    At the drop of a hat –
    In the midst of a chat –
    Till the tablets kick in, I’m a bear.

  128. Terry Marter says:

    Sometimes I just feel in that mood
    To tear off my clothes and get nude
    I once got off scot free
    When I streaked on TV
    So I tried it again and got sued.

  129. Lisi Nortman says:

    How Are You?

    I’m in a real poor mental state.
    Ev’ry person on Earth I just hate.
    I’m filled up with rage.
    I can’t stand my old age.
    To sum it all up, life is great.

  130. Tony Holmes says:

    Only verbs can get tense, and have moods
    As a means of conveying the ‘tudes
    Of their subjects. ‘Do this!’
    ‘Can’t be sure – hit and miss.’
    ‘It’s a statement of fact.’ This concludes.

  131. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Here’s “real poop” on that unshaven maven,
    Surname Poe, with a crow in his haven:
    Corax, so full of crap,
    On Ed’s chamber would rap.
    (That’s the stuff that’s been purged from “The Raven”).

  132. Tony Holmes says:

    I am frequently told that I’m rude
    For disporting myself in the nude.
    “You should give it a try,”
    Is my saucy reply.
    “You could do with improving your mood.”

  133. Lisi Nortman says:

    I went to a concert today.
    Wasn’t great, so I’d call it “okay.”
    The music was rap.
    But I need a recap.
    Cuz I just need to know, “What he say?”

  134. Tony Holmes says:

    The strict grammarians among you may be tsk, tsking, so I’ve made abetter effort.

    Verbs are subject to changing their moods,
    No surprise in such vigorous dudes.
    These convey, “Go do this!”
    “Can’t be sure – hit and miss.”
    “It’s a statement of fact.” This concludes

  135. Lisi Nortman says:

    I KNOW none of Y’ALL is a nerd.
    We’re GO’nna fly HIGH like a bird.
    See THIS here is rap,
    So everyone CLAP.
    Please comPLY it’s the LIMerick word.

  136. Rudy Landesman says:

    I just purchased some fresh petit pois
    And know nothing of avoirdupois.*
    Weighing peas is a pain
    And I’m not in that vein.
    That’s simply too boring pour moi.

    *French pronunciation, s’il vous plais.

  137. Dave Johnson says:

    Her mood – always sunny and bright.
    Whenever his isn’t quite right,
    She knows what to say
    Resurrecting the day;
    Along with his spirit at night.

  138. Rudy Landesman says:


    I just purchased some fresh petit pois
    And know nothing of avoirdupois.*
    Weighing peas is a pain
    And I’m not in that vein.
    That’s simply too boring pour moi.

    *French pronunciation, s’il vous plait.

  139. Lisi Nortman says:

    There is usually more than one rapper, thus a change in L5

    I went to a concert today.
    Wasn’t great, so I’ll call it “okay”
    The music was rap,
    But I need a recap.
    Cuz I just want to know, “What’d they say?”

  140. Dave Johnson says:

    Some packaging uses this crap;
    Just pop one and you’ll hear a snap.
    If sheets are in doubles,
    Start pounding those bubbles;
    And you will have beaten the wrap.

  141. Dave Johnson says:

    Some geezer who thought he could rap
    Stood up on the stage like a sap.
    Excitement would spike
    When they cut off his mike;
    Igniting a thunderous clap.

  142. Lisi Nortman says:

    Oh “Hon” there’s a wonderful show.
    I got tickets; we’re in the first row.
    It’s called “Binary Rap”
    We’ll be there in a snap.
    And it’s called “The Outrageous Yo! Yo! .

  143. Lisi Nortman says:

    I try, do my best, then I shout.
    And gift wrapping’s what it’s about.
    My struggle to wrap
    Sure feels like a trap.
    Ev’ry time, there’s a part peeking out.

  144. Dave Johnson says:

    He’s in a cantankerous mood:
    “I’m hungry – now where is my food?
    They can’t see me frown,
    But the staff let me down.
    Full litter box? Carpets are screwed…”

  145. Steve Benko says:

    “In the Mood,” an old song by Glenn Miller,
    In its time was a real lady killer.
    When they struck up that tune,
    It made all the girls swoon,
    Except one who just laughed: Phyllis Diller.

  146. Bob Turvey says:

    In the Arctic, folk wear a fur wrap,
    Which comes from the critters they trap.
    Fur tickles the skin
    So each man has a grin
    When he pulls on his fur-lined jock strap.

  147. Bob Turvey says:

    In the Arctic, folk wear a fur wrap,
    Except for one pious young chap.
    Since fur tickles his skin
    And to grin is a sin –
    He never goes out, the poor sap.

  148. Tony Holmes says:

    Someone came to the door and tap-tapped.
    When I didn’t respond, he rap-rapped!
    “Don’t pretend you’re not in.
    You’re surrounded. We win.”
    If he’s telling the truth, I’m trap-trapped.

  149. Steve Benko says:

    “Though I flap and I flap and I flap,”
    Said the penguin, “at flying I’m crap.
    I’ll be stuck where it’s cold
    My whole life till I’m old,
    And my mind around that I can’t wrap.”

  150. Terry Marter says:

    The con-man called Ron was quite sad
    Cos the con Ron tried on had gone bad:
    The ‘victim’ of Ron
    Was a much better con
    Who conned Ron then conned Ron’s Mom and Dad.

  151. Terry Marter says:

    “I’m the best at this quest” said the chap,
    as he opened the sealed paper wrap
    With its plans for the day
    That the wind blew away.
    He’s revised his last words to “Oh Crap!”

  152. Terry Marter says:

    Don’t give me that look all forlorn
    It’s already five minutes past dawn
    And you’ve not chopped the wood
    Or done half what you should, –
    And before you get fed, mow the lawn.

  153. Terry Marter says:

    We have all sorts of moods, – it’s so true,
    So why just one colour (that’s Blue)
    To describe how we feel
    Could be Mustard or Teal
    Tangerine or light Green, – I’ve no clue.

  154. Rudy Landesman says:

    That thoroughly modern gal Millie’s
    A fan, and she roots for the Phillies.
    She just as a yen
    To watch those young men.
    The Yankees? They give her the willies.

  155. Rudy Landesman says:

    Sorry, another correction. (has in line3)

    That thoroughly modern gal Millie’s
    A fan, and she roots for the Phillies.
    She just has a yen
    To watch those young men.
    The Yankees? They give her the willies.

  156. Rudy Landesman says:

    Ms. Lewinsky did visit her Billy
    And often would just willy-nilly
    Get into a mood
    To do something lewd
    And play with the President’s willy.

  157. Tony Holmes says:

    All because of a minor mishap,
    I’ve been tossed on Life’s heap. I’m now scrap.
    Had the minor behaved,
    Then I might have been saved.
    As it is, I’m now taking the rap.

  158. Tony Holmes says:

    Back again with our vigorous dudes.
    I neglected their other two moods.
    “Oh, I wish I were dead!”
    “Was it something I said?”
    You will know to which each one alludes.

  159. Tony Holmes says:

    Schadenfreude: The Positive Side.

    I’ve been tossed on the scrapheap of life.
    Lost it all – favour, fortune, and wife.
    But what brightens my mood,
    Should depression intrude,
    Is the thought that misfortune is rife.

  160. Steve Benko says:

    Said Columbus, “I don’t like this map;
    All the way ’round the world oceans wrap.
    I’ll put to the test
    This idea and sail west;
    On the way we’ll give natives the clap.”

  161. Lisi Nortman says:

    In the fifties, it wasn’t the wrap.
    Or the bubble gum, (poppity snap)
    It could have been Snider,
    Or Mantle, that “slider”
    Either one gave your stack a zip zap.

    (A 1950’s Collector’s Obsession)

  162. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    When egged on to be snotty or mean,
    A good mood helps me keep my nose clean.
    Left with egg on my face,
    Is a tacky disgrace,
    But less messy than venting my spleen.

  163. Tony Holmes says:

    “Yes, we naturists keep our good mood
    By parading around in the nude.
    We found life in the buff
    Satisfaction enough,
    And we’re all disinclined to be rude.”

  164. Rudy Landesman says:

    Once more to that baseball limerick.

    To the ballgame she brought them some lilies
    ‘Cause she loved all those handsome young Phillies.
    She had a real yen
    To watch all those men.
    The Yankees? They gave her the willies.

  165. Lisi Nortman says:


    Don’t be blue if your “guy” says, “We’re done.”
    Don’t be sad if you feel life’s not fun.
    If you want lots of pity,
    Simply put on a ditty.
    Taylor Swift’s got a song for each one.

  166. Lisi Nortman says:


    Don’t be blue if your guy says, “We’re done.”
    Don’t be sad, if you feel life’s not fun.
    Grim emotions are strong.
    But you will get along.
    Taylor Swift’s got a song for each one.

  167. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mood Advice

    If you’re happy as happy can be,
    And your life is just filled up with glee,
    To remain in that bent
    And for life, be content,
    Stay away from that ‘Ole D.M.V.

  168. Lisi Nortman says:

    Moods: Fear: a bit extreme

    As a girl, I was often afraid.
    Mama said, “If your bed is unmade,
    You’ll sure be upset,
    And make you regret
    The reason for not getting laid.”

  169. Lisi Nortman says:

    Do Not forget The Boys!

    As a boy, I was often afraid.
    Mama said, “If your bed is unmade,
    You’ll sure be upset.
    And make you regret
    The reason for not getting laid.”

  170. Lisi Nortman says:

    Correction from Aug. 14th at 12:34 PM

    “My darling, we’ll have to forego
    Our ride to that wonderful show.
    I was just in the mood.
    Don’t mean to be rude:
    But that was 5 minutes ago.”

  171. Lisi Nortman says:

    Regretful Moods

    Most people do just what they choose.
    Just like me, but I still get the blues.
    I often regret
    And think, “Why’d I get
    Those ridiculous, freaky tattoos?”

  172. Lisi Nortman says:

    another regretful mood

    I’ve been sorting out all of my “stuff”.
    Which reminds me, at times, life is tough.
    Was the cause all my drinking?
    What the hell was I thinking?
    Isn’t one husband really enough?

  173. Tony Holmes says:

    By permission of RL.

    I remember that Lewinski dame,
    Who by oral tradition gained fame,
    As the girl who got screwed
    For a president’s mood
    When he hotly denied. Oh, for shame!

  174. Tim James says:

    A blonde got knocked up. Some poor sap
    Did the deed and is taking the rap.
    But it’s easy to see
    What went wrong, because she
    Used a cervical collar, not cap.

  175. Rudy Landesman says:

    Ms. Sjaan often does have the knack
    To make me feel I’m just a hack.
    I’m in a foul mood.
    She’s simply too g-o-o-o-d.
    I think I’ll just go hit the sack.

  176. Rudy Landesman says:

    A painter one day got the itch
    For something that could make him rich.
    To his canvas he dashed
    And some paint he just splashed.
    “Great Art” they would call all his kitsch.

  177. Lisi Nortman says:

    “I’m In The Mood For Love”

    “My darling, I’ve come here to clear you.
    No longer, will all our friends fear you.
    Don’t be such a sap.
    Why’d you take the damn rap?
    I simply just want to be near you.”

  178. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Though I can’t make its lyrics out clearly,
    The repeat of its beat I love dearly;
    Love the whomp and the whap,
    And the riffing in rap,
    Plus the way it all rhymes! Sometimes…nearly.

  179. Lisi Nortman says:


    I’m trying to end your confusion.
    So here is my real wise conclusion:
    You have to forget ‘er
    If in time, you’re not better,
    You might want to bask in delusion.

  180. Lisi Nortman says:

    from 10:47 today, a slight change:
    “I’m In The Mood For Love”

    My darling, I rushed here to clear you.
    So all of our friends will not fear you.
    Stop being a sap!
    Why’d you take the damn rap?
    I simply just want to be near you.

  181. Terry Marter says:

    You’ll see Me where the doorway’s recessed, –
    Hear me chime happy tunes if caressed.
    But the kids when they play
    push my buttons all day
    It’s no wonder I’m feeling depressed.

  182. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Hi, Rudy. G-o-o-o-d one!

    I’ve been mooed at, pooh-poohed at, and booed.
    I’ve been shushed and shut up. I’ve been shooed.
    Now I’m beating up yolks,
    With limerick folks,
    So, of course, I expect to get gooed.

    (Sorry, Mad. I understand. No scrabble points for gooed. Or mooed?).

  183. Lisi Nortman says:

    “Moods” Fright

    I have finished “The Millionaire’s Wife”.
    But now I am feeling much strife.
    At this moment in time,
    Things are sure not sublime.
    I’ll be scared for the rest of my life.

    (“The Millionaire’s Wife” author, Shalini Boland) Keep a light on (:

  184. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mood: Fright better

    I’m done reading “The Millionaire’s Wife”
    But now I am feeling much strife.
    I was frightened to death.
    I kept holding my breath.
    I’ll be scared for the rest of my life.

    (“The Millionaire’s Wife” by Shalini Boland) Keep the light on (:

  185. Lisi Nortman says:

    Moods: Frustration And Confusion

    This circumstance makes me so mad!
    It’s the worst gift I ever have had!
    From my not-so-smart daughter,
    It’s pure powdered water.
    It’s killing me: What do I add?

  186. Lisi Nortman says:

    Felt sorry for “Scarface”, (that sap).
    So I bought him a black Hoodlum Cap.
    Found a nice bloody bow.
    For the Syndicate Show.
    And the paper, of course, gansta’ wrap.

  187. Lisi Nortman says:

    Boy! Was that poorly-written! (sorry) This is what I meant:

    “A Present For Al Capone”

    Felt sorry for “Scarface”, (that sap.)
    So I bought him a Syndicate Cap.
    Found a nice bloody bow,
    So he’d open it slow.
    And the paper, of course: gansta’ wrap.

  188. Kay Salady says:

    He found it was dreadfully rude
    To find her in such a foul mood
    Whatever he tried
    His attempts were defied
    By a woman who thought
    He was crude
    He saw her one day
    With a girl
    Her head seemed to be
    In a whirl
    Laughing and dancing
    The two were romancing
    An oyster had polished a pearl
    From Mad Kane

    Welcome back, Kay!!!

  189. Lisi Nortman says:

    Opposite Moods

    B.B. King who was famous for “Blues”,
    Sang songs with real sorrowful views.
    Yet Elvis sure swayed,
    And was never dismayed.
    But you had to “lay offa” his shoes.

  190. Lisi Nortman says:

    Messrs. Kellogg, I had one for “wrap”.
    But it turned out to be total crap.
    I don’t care for your ad.
    It sure makes me sad.
    Cuz it doesn’t pop, crackle, and snap.

  191. Rudy Landesman says:

    The Grim Reaper, a devious chap,
    Very rarely arrives with a clap
    Of ear splitting thunder
    To tear you asunder.
    He’ll come with a soft, quiet rap.

  192. Rudy Landesman says:

    King Richard, it gives me some pain,
    To explain that he was in the vein
    To beg for a horse.
    We knew that, of course.
    Will Shakespeare once made that quite plain.

  193. Lisi Nortman says:

    Think About It.

    If you’re living your life on the skids,
    Right now, is the time for the “rids”.
    Some perceive in a snap
    That this art known as rap.
    Might give hope to some very poor kids.

  194. Tony Holmes says:

    Rap and mood. (Bitterness)

    All because of a minor mishap,
    I’ve been tossed on Life’s heap. I’m now scrap.
    Had the minor behaved,
    Then I might have been saved.
    As it is, I’m now taking the rap.

    Oh, the minor has been reprimanded
    For not doing as he was commanded,
    But the underaged brute
    Was perceived as quite cute,
    So, ‘twas my head, not his was demanded.

  195. Lisi Nortman says:

    “Every Other Saturday”

    A smart lim’riker isn’t a sap.
    And wise to that “last-minute trap”.
    When it’s 4, Eastern time,
    There’s no reason for rhyme.
    They can hear Mad’leine call it “a wrap”.

  196. David Friedman says:

    At the pyramid, with a loud snap,
    A mummy woke up from his nap.
    To people there staring,
    Their rock n’ roll blaring,
    He said, “I would rather hear wrap.”

  197. David Friedman says:

    If you were to tell me the news
    That Mssrs. Travolta and Cruise
    Wanted to rap
    About spiritual crap,
    I couldn’t possibly choose.

  198. David Friedman says:

    Sometimes my doorbell will sing;
    Sometimes it won’t do a thing;
    Sometimes it’s cheery;
    Sometimes it’s dreary —
    I shouldn’t have bought a Mood Ring.

  199. Lisi Nortman says:

    I felt sorry for Witless, my chap.
    When he just couldn’t wait to unwrap.
    His fam-i-ly tree.
    But so shaken was he
    To discover that he was the sap.

  200. madkane says:

    The current Limerick-Off ends tomorrow, Saturday, at 4 pm (Eastern time.) So please get your limerick stragglers in.

  201. Thomas Vincent says:

    To dream of the Prince is a trap
    Said Ella, my wardrobe is crap
    And now darn it all
    I’ve torn my best shawl
    There’s a rip in my new burlap wrap

  202. Lisi Nortman says:

    Moods and Rap: a double
    “Forever Young” by “J-Z” , One of The Most Famous Rappers

    “Forever Young” sure makes you cry.
    You listen, then give out a sigh.
    It’s a bittersweet rap.
    “J-Z” is the chap
    Who sings it, (one talented guy).

  203. Lisi Nortman says:

    Let’s Be More Precise In L5 ( Moods and Rap, Double)
    He doesn’t “sing” it, he “raps” it.

    “Forever Young” sure makes you cry.
    You listen, then give out a sigh.
    It’s a bittersweet rap.
    “J-Z” is the chap
    Who raps it, (one talented guy).

    (good original video)

  204. David Friedman says:

    There once was a gerbil named Trudy
    Who said, feeling anxious and moody,
    “This tunnel’s a fright,
    It’s dark and it’s tight,
    And it stinks to high heaven of doodie!”

  205. Kay Salady says:

    In the dark of the night came a tap
    That turned into a thunderous rap
    I shook and I shivered
    And soon I delivered
    A small portion of well let’s leave that

  206. Sondra Landin says:

    My fingers are itching to play,
    My body is ready to sway;
    My feet will soon tap
    And my voice will now rap;
    Another sweet musical day!

  207. Sondra Landin says:

    Forgive me, but here it is with a one-word change in Line 5

    My fingers are itching to play,
    My body is ready to sway;
    My feet will soon tap
    And my voice will now rap;
    Another cacophonous day!

  208. Terry Marter says:

    I’ve devised a surprise for my chap
    When he gets to our spot on the map.
    As we meet and caress
    He’ll discover no dress
    Just my best birthday suit and a wrap.

  209. Tony Holmes says:

    “Even-tempered?” “Annoyingly so.
    When I’m itching to fight, he says, ‘No!
    We should talk these things through.’”
    “Ouch! So, what do you do?”
    “Then I grab something heavy and throw.”

  210. Tony Holmes says:

    “It’s not moody to suddenly snap!
    I get tense when I don’t get my nap.
    Like I’ve told you before,
    I don’t mean to get sore,
    But the mood comes upon me – and zap!”

  211. Tony Holmes says:

    “How frustrating. He does this a lot?”
    “All the time – for a while it was hot.
    Now I think, ‘Not again.
    This could drive me insane.’”
    “Only one thing to do ….” “Take the shot!”

  212. Tony Holmes says:

    “Josephine! We’ve been through this before.
    When I’m planning campaigns, you’re a chore.
    If I win, you’re my treat.
    But tonight, it’s defeat.
    So, I can’t get it up, I’m too sore.”

  213. Steve Benko says:

    In Afghanistan, women are grieving
    That American soldiers are leaving.
    “You gave us these rights,
    Now you turn out the lights?”
    They complain. “We were dumb for believing.”

  214. Terry Marter says:

    Does our planet experience emotion?
    Hence the blues of the sky and the ocean.
    Both are sad that mankind
    Has polluted and mined
    And has not shown more care and devotion.

  215. Steve Benko says:

    “I get mad when a girl is a teaser,”
    Said Trump, “so I grab her and squeeze her.
    They should show some respect
    For the things I expect,
    For I’m greater than Julius Caesar.”

  216. David Friedman says:

    You don’t know how much it affects ya
    To hear “nevermore” til it wrecks ya
    There’s no chamber rap
    Or that strange raven crap;
    It’s just my defective Alexa.

  217. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for another fun two weeks of limericks. This Limerick-Off is officially over. And the winner is…

    Limerick-Off Award 476. Congratulations to the winners!

    But you can still have lots of limerick fun because a new Limerick-Off has just begun: Limerick-Off Loon.