Why So Quiet? A Limerick-Explanation

This space has been quiet of late.
But it’s not that my readers don’t rate.
I’ve broken my wrist,
And my brain’s in a twist
From pain killers. Writing must wait.

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4 Responses to “Why So Quiet? A Limerick-Explanation”

  1. jan says:

    I am so sorry about your wrist. ugh! is it your main writing arm? you’ll have to get better at typing with the other hand! i’m sure it will be very ‘inconvenient’ not being able to dress, bathe, etc…oh gosh…it is quite a mess, i’m sure. i know about pain killers…i am on them right now myself for disc & nerve pain. i can’t think straight either…that’s why this is so disjointed!! best, jan

  2. Elayne Riggs says:

    Ouch, Mad! Feel better soon! Stay off that wrist, y’hear…

  3. deviousdiva says:

    Ahh no.
    I know how that feels. I broke mine (fortunately not my writing/doing stuff) wrist a few years ago now but I still remember the pain. I was almost a year in plaster because of complications so I really can sympathise.

    Take care of yourself. Get healed. And we’ll still be here when you get back.

  4. ooooh!

    So sorry to hear about your wrist. Hope you will be back in writing form soon!


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