Hairy Art (Limerick)
Hairy Art
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Though some artists make art out of rubble,
Only one went to hairier trouble:
He sculpted (I swear)
His sculpture from hair:
An artwork from one speck of stubble.
Its minuteness is way off the chart.
Want to view it? A microscope’s smart.
I don’t mean to be gruff,
But is weirdness enough?
This speck-sculpture’s too fine to be art.
You can read about and see a photo of Willard Wigan’s stubble sculpture here. As the article explains:
Willard Wigan hollowed out a spec of face hair and used a miniscule flake of gold to create the tiny motorbike artwork.
Visible only through a microscope, the chopper — which measures three microns — is smaller than a human blood cell.
Tags: Art Humor, Creativity, Hair Humor, Microscopic Art, Stubble Sculpture, Willard Wigan
Surely you’ve seen ‘art’ on a grain of rice?
Takes time – though it looks like it was chewed by mice…
Everyone has a got some kind of talent
Though some are artists charging thousands are quite bent
When a canvas of a single color or splatter is not deemed nice!
Fun verse, Jules!