Pet Owners Independence Day Limerick (April 18)

Are you all ready for National Pet Owners Independence Day?

A gal who’d been cleaning was jarred
By some leaves just dragged in from her yard.
Displaying a broom,
She yelled, “Sweep up this room!”
To her dog. (Guess she’s working too hard.)

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6 Responses to “Pet Owners Independence Day Limerick (April 18)”

  1. Mad, I didn’t know about National Pet Owners Day, but wow, I must have been picking up vibes, because even though this isn’t a limerick, it IS in a form (I know, alert the media!) and it’s about a very special dog in a hit movie! Hope you like it… and as for cleaning up after dogs, oy vey…! Amy

  2. Rachael says:

    Haha-that is great, There were a few times when I was a cat owner and caught myself ordering the cats to do chores!

  3. I haven’t a pet, it is true
    but it doesn’t’ cause me to feel blue
    ‘cause I feed and I water
    the birds – like I ought-er
    (and hope that the bears don’t come through!)

  4. it would be nice to have a dog that does the sweeping..smiles

  5. madkane says:

    Thanks for your fun limerick, Pamela. And thanks everyone for your kind comments.

  6. Sara McNulty says:

    Didn’t know about National Pet Owner’s Day. How come my dogs did not throw a party for me? I’m a damn good Mom!