Archive for March, 2025

Jammed Up Limerick

Saturday, March 15th, 2025

Can you help me get out of my jam?
I was eating some jelly and, damn,
It’s all over my dress
And I’m rather a mess,
So I need something STAT to look glam!

The Myopic Teacher (Haiku)

Friday, March 14th, 2025

Myopic teacher
mistook inept coloring
for misbehavior.

The prompt for this haiku was “myopic” (plus a memorable personal experience.) When I was 4, my teacher punished me for not coloring within the lines. (I had very bad vision, which hadn’t yet been diagnosed.) And my teacher actually called my parents in to complain about my bad behavior. (My vision wasn’t tested till I was 9 and got coke bottle glasses.)