Hazy Gazing (Limerick)
Hubby Mark will readily admit that this is true:
My dear husband, at times, will just stare,
His gaze seemingly fixed on mere air.
What has captured his eye?
The rapture? A fly?
He’s not scared, so I’d guess … not a bear.
Tags: Battle of the Sexes, Husband Humor, Husband Limerick, Marriage Humor, Marriage Limerick
Cause for Pause
In the male there is known to exist
intermittently need to desist,
and give in to allure
of a silence so pure
that it hovers like heavenly mist
where the eyes so obstructed agree
nothing’s gained by their effort to see
that would surely disrupt
— like the voice so abrupt
of the love that wants in on the glee.
Nice punch!