Hazy Gazing (Limerick)

Hubby Mark will readily admit that this is true:

My dear husband, at times, will just stare,
His gaze seemingly fixed on mere air.
What has captured his eye?
The rapture? A fly?
He’s not scared, so I’d guess … not a bear.

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2 Responses to “Hazy Gazing (Limerick)”

  1. The Portly Bard says:

    Cause for Pause

    In the male there is known to exist
    intermittently need to desist,
    and give in to allure
    of a silence so pure
    that it hovers like heavenly mist

    where the eyes so obstructed agree
    nothing’s gained by their effort to see
    that would surely disrupt
    — like the voice so abrupt
    of the love that wants in on the glee.