“Kazoo Day?” Why??? (Limerick)
I am NOT a big fan of kazoos.
The mere sound of one makes me think “Booze!”
What loser invented
That plaything demented?
Buzz off, cuz I’m getting the blues!
(Happy “National Kazoo Day,” if you insist.)
Tags: Kazoo Humor, Kazoo Limerick, Music Humor & Verse, Music Limerick, Noise Humor, Noise Limerick, Nuisances
Boos for Kazoos?
Be more kind to kazoos. They’re not toys.
They’re the instrument Yahweh employs
to let those who can’t sing
do the merciful thing
and resort to at least joyful noise.
Where I live (senior citizen building) we have an actively functioning kazoo band, with uniforms, even! The instigator and leader initially had grandiose expectations for it: around-the-block marches in nice weather (this is Chicago, so his expectations were minor!), holiday parades, visible presence in the neighborhood, few of which ever materialized. However, we do honor resident’s birthdays by inviting them down to our monthly meetings and serenading them, following it up with interviews and cake. Best part about it? Not needing to read music! Or carry a tune!
From Mad:
LOL! Glad you’re having fun with it! And welcome back to my Limerick-Offs. I just spotted your new entry.