Limerick Ode To The Screwdriver
It’s National Screwdriver Day.
The drink (not the tool) is at play.
I find vodka too rough.
Orange juice? I rebuff.
But together, great stuff, so hooray!
(Happy National Screwdriver Day, which falls on December 14.)
Tags: Alcohol Humor, Alcohol Limerick, December Holidays, Drink Humor, Drink Limerick, Odd Holidays, Orange Juice, Screwdriver Day, Vodka, Vodka Humor, Vodka Limerick
Here’s a screwdriver limerick I once wrote:
There once was a screwdriver, Phillip,
Who screwed lots of screws but was still up,
So wanting some more,
He searched through the drawer,
Deciding that he’d hit the drill up.