Limerick-Off Monday – Rhyme Word: GRIP or GRIPPE at the end of any one line (Submission Deadline: October 12, 2019)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same rhyme word. Then you post your limerick(s) as a comment to this post and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

I hope you’ll join me in writing limericks using GRIP or GRIPPE at the end of any one line. (Homonyms or homophones are fine.)

The best submission will be crowned Limerick-Off Award Winner. (Here’s last week’s Limerick-Off Award Winner.)

Additionally, you may write themed limericks related to BOSSES, using any rhyme word. And of course I’ll present an extra award — one for the best BOSSES-related limerick.

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, cleverness, and humor. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, here’s my How To Write A Limerick article.)

I’ll announce the winners on October 13, 2019, right before I post the next Limerick-Off. So that gives you two full weeks to submit your clever, polished verse. Your submission deadline is Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 10:00 p.m. (Eastern Time.)

Here’s my GRIP/GRIPPE-rhyme limerick:

My mood has been taking a dip
Cuz I fear I’ve been gripped by the grippe.
“Just a cold,” says my doc.
“Get a grip and don’t squawk!
“My prescription: green tea and a nip.”

And here’s my BOSSES-themed limerick:

My boss tends to yammer and kvetch
And complain all the time, till you retch
From the onslaught of griping
And groaning and sniping…
But at least the guy isn’t a letch.

Please feel free to enter my Limerick-Off by posting your limerick(s) in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please email Subject: MadKane’s Newsletter. Thanks!

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129 Responses to “Limerick-Off Monday – Rhyme Word: GRIP or GRIPPE at the end of any one line (Submission Deadline: October 12, 2019)”

  1. Tony Holmes says:

    A young chap being prepped for the snip
    Has laid hold and won’t loosen his grip.
    Said the nurse, ‘Second thought?’
    Chap replies, overwrought,
    ‘If it’s all right with you, I’ll just skip.’

  2. Tony Holmes says:


    A young chap being prepped for the snip
    Has laid hold and won’t loosen his grip.
    Said the nurse, ‘Second thought?’
    Chap replies, overwrought,
    ‘If it’s all right with you, nurse, I’ll skip.’

  3. Zelick M. says:

    One having the wrong kind of snip
    Is genetically mutated to quip
    My helix is lacking
    This headache is cracking
    I must get an epigenetical grip

  4. Mike Young says:

    I’m sure there’s a bud you must nip.
    To do this just take a firm grip.
    When our Donald falls
    Ignore his mad calls
    AS he goes on his last one way trip.

  5. Brian Allgar says:

    Near the end of his premiership,
    Poor Boris has quite lost his grip.
    “My threat of ‘no-deal’
    Would’ve brought ’em to heel,
    But you’ve ruined my bargaining chip!”

  6. Mike Young says:

    On each side of the pond there are bosses
    Who need to be chased by armed posses.
    It must be done soon
    At least before noon
    So the world avoids damaging losses.

  7. Brian Allgar says:

    Though I work every day at a loss,
    My company won’t come across:
    “There’s no money for you.”
    And I know that it’s true,
    Because actually, I’m my own boss.

  8. In a cooking class—oh, don’t remind me!
    My mates were both unkind and kindly
    ” Get a grip!” “Take a sip!””
    “Taste my chocolate chip!”
    But the sink is where you’d likely find me!

    Wow, the rhyme word today is a pip!
    But I’m kind, so I’ll give you a tip:
    You get flu shots and “ooh!”shots
    (For shingles there’s TWO shots!)
    But no-one gets shots for la grippe.

    For travel, if you want a nip
    Wrap it carefully inside your grip
    ‘Cause the way bags get tossed
    Things get broken —or lost
    Ruining clothes, and God knows, your whole trip.

    “Oh,those bosses!”, the new hire said,.
    Her face kind of teary and red—
    The bald one just pinched me
    And then, when I flinched, he
    said “It’ll be better in bed!”

  9. Lisi Nortman says:

    The showgirls all started to strip
    I sure did a “hell of a flip”
    Then was escorted out
    And heard the cop shout:
    “Hey, buddy; you can’t get a grip”

  10. Mad, this has no connection to either of this week’s words. You can just keep it for yourself or delete it or whatever, but I wanted to share it with you.


    There’s a difference between quick and witty
    Like the difference between sly and — pretty
    I can write one a minute
    But the content that’s in it
    Might as well have been done by committee!

    Whereas some of you make my head spin!
    You’re in a cerebral world I’m not in!
    I confess, I am jealous!
    I might try being zealous
    But I’m betting I just will not win.

  11. Lisi Nortman says:

    A hangnail just makes my “hub” flip
    When I cut it, this jerk bites his lip
    And he calls 911
    Then he screams, “MY LIFE’S DONE!!”
    When he gets a slight case of the grippe

  12. Judith H. Block says:

    What to do when the boss is insane.
    Narcissistic, a bully, and vain.
    Boss of the country is worse,
    The whole thing is perverse.
    By acceptance, you’ve nothing to gain.

  13. Dave Johnson says:

    A crabby, mean boss in Seattle
    Grew sick of employees he’d battle.
    But lately the word
    Is he’s driving a herd;
    He thinks he’ll do better with cattle.

  14. Lisi Nortman says:

    This girl I just met said she’s “hip”
    So into her bed we did slip
    But she wriggled around
    Fine’ly claimed she had found
    “Some object too small for a grip”

  15. Lisi Nortman says:

    a slightly modified version of limerick from 10:04 AM

    When the showgirls all started to strip
    I sure did a “hell of a flip”
    Then was escorted out
    And I heard the cop shout
    “Hey, Jerk, you just can’t get a grip”

  16. Jesse Levy says:

    My boss is the capo de tutti.
    But he just grabbed me by the booty.
    I’m liberal, yes,
    But my best guess
    is that he may be real fruity.

  17. Lisi Nortman says:

    The New Girl

    Don’t get yourself into a tizzy
    You’re so nervous, you’re making me dizzy
    Remember I said
    “You must keep a cool head
    When the boss walks in, act like you’re busy”

  18. Zelick M. says:

    That Silking Feeling

    When asleep in a sleek silk slick slip
    You might slip slide and soon loose your grip
    Cause the pain in your crotch
    Will exceed any notch
    You forsaw or’d forsee on this trip

  19. John Cooney says:

    “Take a shot in the arm for the grippe”,
    Said the doc, “Just a prick! No more lip!
    If I can’t influence ya,
    To shun influenza,
    I’ll be writing a ‘scrip for a r.i.p!”

  20. John Cooney says:

    O Doctor, the pain in me hip!
    O Dentist, the size of me lip!
    This ménage a trois,
    Ain’t too good pour moi,
    I suggest we all loosen our grip!

  21. John Cooney says:

    7:11 p.m.
    Line 3:
    “If I can’t influence ya” to be read like this: “If I can’t influence-ya”

  22. John Cooney says:

    Sorry. That’s not at all very clear.
    Try this:
    “If I can’t in-flu-ence-ya”

  23. John Cooney says:

    My boss is a pain in the ass,
    She cannot let anything pass,
    On everyone’s case,
    And up in my face,
    I’ll C U Next Tuesday, alas!


    Why Tuesday instead of, say, Monday?

  24. Lisi Nortman says:

    MY boss gives me very low pay
    (I wonder sometimes why I stay)
    He is such a mean guy
    That at times makes me cry!
    When I leave, he says, “Have a nice day”

    (Yeah, Right)

  25. John Cooney says:

    The boss is inept, what a pity!
    He cannot sort nitty from gritty,
    Too slow on the orders,
    From Mehico borders,
    I’ll grass him, for he is so shitty!

  26. John Cooney says:

    Have a really nice day!



  27. John Cooney says:

    O Teacher of Drama, you’re hip,
    So trendy and you’ve got a grip,
    On requests so extreme,
    Which I deem obscene,
    A tad soon to tell us to strip!

  28. John Cooney says:

    Monday comes too soon + Monday doesn’t sit well with MUNT

  29. John Cooney says:

    C U Next Tuesday is an extremely rude term for a lady’s vagina. 🤠🥴


    I’m unfamiliar with that term. (Though I now get it, of course.)

  30. John Cooney says:

    Have I been banned for abusive lingo?


    Not at all.

  31. John Cooney says:

    I was surprised with the prompt to use an alternative word. I suspect that only you, Madeleine, could reveal that to all who log in to read limericks. That is kinda weird and a tad scary. Sorry. Won’t bother you again.
    Thanks for entertainment.


    I have no idea what you’re talking about. But you certainly have not been banned.

  32. John Cooney says:

    Language issue exists. I shouldn’t have even dared to enter the stage.
    Apologies. Best wishes.


    You haven’t been banned at all. What makes you think you’re banned?

  33. Tanja Cilia says:

    My doctor, he said, “Get a grip”
    You must pack, and then go on a trip.
    Over mount, hill, and vale
    You’ get hearty and hale;
    In the Med. you shall go for a dip.

    I have the most careless of bosses
    About nothing, they don’t give two tosses
    When account ting time comes
    There’s no beating of drums;
    The just sit here, counting their losses

  34. Tony Holmes says:

    Further Developments

    A young chap being prepped for the snip
    Has laid hold and won’t loosen his grip.
    Says the nurse, ‘Second thought?’
    Chap responds, overwrought,
    ‘If it’s all right with you, Ma’am, I’ll skip.’

    ‘Prophylactics were working just fine,
    Till the night we imbibed too much wine.
    Over eager, I missed,
    As one does when one’s pissed,
    And since then she declines to entwine.’

    Says the nurse, ‘You must do as you will.
    Don’t forget, though, there’s always the pill.’
    Chap now loosens his grip;
    Thanks the nurse – ‘Ma’am, you’re hip!’ –
    And departs without paying his bill.

  35. Tony Holmes says:

    Mr Cooney,Sir,
    Having followed your exchange with the Big M, I have taken what I’m hoping you will not regard as too great a liberty, and amended your second and last lines so that they now scan and make your meaning clearer. (Offered in a sppirit of cameraderie, not criticism.” TH

    My boss is a pain in the ass,
    She just cannot let anything pass,
    On everyone’s case,
    And up in my face,
    A right, C U Next Tuesday, alas!

  36. Tony Holmes says:

    What else could she do?

    A young chap being prepped for the snip
    Has laid hold and won’t loosen his grip.
    Says the nurse, ‘Second thought?’
    Chap responds, overwrought,
    ‘If it’s all right with you, Ma’am, I’ll skip.’

    ‘Prophylactics were working just fine,
    Till the night we imbibed too much wine.
    Over eager, I missed,
    As one does when one’s pissed,
    And since then she declines to entwine.’

    Says the nurse, ‘You must do as you will.
    Don’t forget, though, there’s always the pill.’
    Chap now loosens his grip;
    Thanks the nurse – ‘Ma’am, you’re hip!’ –
    And departs without paying his bill.

    So, the nurse makes a note in the file,
    ‘Mister So and So chose to resile.
    Gone for good? Hard to say,
    But he still has to pay
    For advice – and the shave and restyle.’

  37. Tony Holmes says:

    Changing tack.

    As the steward took charge of my grip,
    At the start of my round-the-world trip,
    I let slip I’d been spurred
    By a comment I heard,
    Re the fun I would have aboard ship.

  38. Tim Gray says:

    Mr. Trump, now get a grip
    And be careful how you let rip.
    There’s no need to abuse,
    Just call it “Fake News”
    And say they’re on some power trip.

  39. Tim Gray says:

    After all the time that has passed,
    Now Power, I have it at last.
    I’ll not falter nor trip
    Nor will I lose my grip,
    Ever resolute and always steadfast

  40. Tim Gray says:

    Being boss is a bit of a perk
    As you can farm out all of the work,
    And if it goes wrong,
    You can shout loud and strong,
    And blame it on some other jerk.

  41. Tim Gray says:

    There was an old woman named Flossie
    Who was surly and very bossy
    She henpecked her spouse
    Who’s as quiet as a mouse
    And gave her no cause to be crossy.

  42. Brian Allgar says:

    Impeachment? The Dems’ silly season,
    Believe me, will fail. Stands to reason;
    I’m the man, I’m the boss,
    And I don’t give a toss,
    ’Cause the President can’t commit treason.

  43. Tony Holmes says:

    One discerns one is losing one’s grip
    When the starch in one’s stiff upper lip
    Can no longer maintain,
    Reinforce or regain;
    At which point one should bail or jump ship.

  44. Ol’ Rudy G can’t get a grip.
    The Washington Post just let it slip
    that he stood to gain
    Kremlin bucks post-Ukraine!
    (heroically, he cancelled the trip.)

  45. Lisi Nortman says:

    For a job, you have picked the right spot
    I know you will like it a lot
    And now that you’re hired
    You’ll never be fired
    Cause the boss said you’re “ass-kick’in hot”

  46. Lisi Nortman says:

    Syllable Correction!

    The New Girl

    Don’t get yourself into a tizzy!
    You’re jumpy and making me dizzy!
    I told you I’ve said
    “Just keep a cool head
    And make the boss think that you’re busy”

  47. Lisi Nortman says:

    “Oh Mary I hate our boss, “Munch”
    I’d just like to give him a punch”
    “Sue, let it all out
    You can scream; you can shout
    (But wait till he goes out to lunch”)

  48. Tony Holmes says:

    A Variation

    By the state of one’s stiff upper lip,
    One may gauge if one’s losing one’s grip.
    Feel a tremor? One’s fine;
    Started flapping? Sure sign
    You’re embarked on a very bad trip.

  49. Lisi Nortman says:

    Boss’s Day is October 16th. A Card For The Boss:

    Happy Boss’s Day! You deserve praise!
    I like you in so many ways!
    But to even the score
    I’d like you much more
    If you gave me a really good raise.

  50. Tony Holmes says:

    It’s only a rumour. I should know – I started it.

    As the steward took charge of my grip,
    At the start of my round-the-world trip,
    I let slip I’d been spurred
    By a comment I heard,
    Re the fun I would have aboard ship.

    Said the steward, a gleam in each eye,
    ‘I perceive, Sir, you’re able and spry.
    There are ladies galore,
    Port, aft, starboard and fore;
    Are you up to it, sailor?’ “Aye, aye!”

  51. Tony Holmes says:

    Oh, how easy to knock those in charge,
    Most of whom do their best, by and large.
    It’s those vested for cash
    Should be treated as trash,
    And dumped far out to sea from a barge.

  52. Lisi Nortman says:

    Just give it a really good grip
    Then up and then down, (I’ll just flip)
    These milkshakes are sweet
    A real special treat
    Do it right and I’ll give you a sip

  53. Tony Holmes says:

    Lisi, I’m abashed! (Not really, tee-hee.Very allusive.)

  54. Dave Johnson says:

    He offered her one helpful tip:
    “Don’t worry, it’s all in the grip.
    Encircle your hands
    ‘Round the shaft as it stands;
    Enough so the club doesn’t slip.”

  55. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mr. Sanity went on a trip
    Aboard a luxurious ship
    Saw Trump; shook his hand
    It made him feel grand
    Cuz he gave him a “bone-crusher” grip

  56. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mr. Octopus Man on a trip
    Met Miss Octopus Girl, (who was hip)
    They shook hands; it was weird
    Cause a problem appeared:
    They couldn’t untangle their grip

  57. Konrad Schwoerke says:

    I said, “Sigmund, you must get a grip!
    I’m not watching a cross-dresser strip.”
    But he tuned out my plea,
    Now I cannot unsee
    What was under his Freudian slip.

  58. Tim James says:

    My boss says, “I run a tight ship!”
    As we’re crushed in his power-mad grip.
    When I quit one fine day
    I’ll look over his way;
    The proverbial bird I will flip.

  59. Lisi Nortman says:

    When in labor, I thought I would flip
    (Pretty soon it was time for that “snip”)
    I was SCREAMING in pain
    Then my “hubby” said “Jane
    Please don’t bother me; I’ve got the grippe”

  60. Konrad Schwoerke says:

    Hi, Mad!

    Sorry to bother you, but would you please change the last line of my limerick above to:

    What was under his Freudian slip.

    Thanks, Konrad



  61. Lisi Nortman says:

    I have to admit I was lurking
    (Went back to my cubicle smirking)
    I was simply aghast
    Since then nothing’s surpassed
    The sight of my boss really working.

  62. Tony Holmes says:

    Auld MacTavish adjusted his grip
    On the beaker containing his nip.
    He had once had a spill,
    And he mourned the loss still,
    And woke screaming at night, “’Twas a slip!”

  63. Lisi Nortman says:

    We seniors are all very hip
    But regretfully, we often trip
    We sleep out on the grass
    Cause we rea’lize, alas
    That our door knobs we surely can’t grip

  64. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mad: just looked back at the limerick I wrote at 4:14 PM
    There is just no word as “act’ly” (LOL)
    Could you please change line 5 to: The sight of my boss really working

    Thank You,


  65. David Reddekopp says:

    The boss-man was giving me heck
    And the ass was withholding my check
    Said the boss, “Get a grip!
    For no work shall you skip.”
    So I then got a grip of his neck.

  66. Lisi Nortman says:

    For my fam’ly I buy the provisions
    We’ve set up “strategic” divisions
    Well, me? I’m THE BOSS!
    (Watch out! I get cross!)
    And my wife reaches all our decisions

  67. Lisi Nortman says:

    The boss said you’re “greatly admired”
    I’m happy that you have been hired
    This place is sublime
    Don’t be RIGHT all the time!
    (In that case, you’ll surely be fired)

  68. Lisi Nortman says:

    a slight change

    I provide for my fam’ly’s provisions
    We’ve set up “strategic” divisions
    Well me? I’m THE BOSS
    (Watch out! I get cross!)
    And my wife makes the final decisions

  69. Dave Johnson says:

    “I’m President!” – words he will toss;
    His winning is everyone’s loss.
    Impeachment or not,
    For the carnage he brought:
    “You’re Fired!” will show him who’s boss.

  70. Tony Holmes says:

    Poor Auld Mac’

    Auld MacTavish, afeared for his nip,
    Kept close guard lest another one slip.
    More than forty year’ since,
    But it still made him wince,
    Which is why he maintained a tight grip.

  71. John Edwards says:

    A young German Mädchen called Pippa
    Said she was ill with “die Grippe”.
    But it wasn’t the ‘flu
    That made her feel blue
    Herr Doktor said it was “Der Tripper”.

  72. Dave Johnson says:

    Mid-management suck-ups are worst;
    Indulging their own selfish thirst.
    Don’t ask for a raise,
    Any guidance or praise;
    The backsides they’re smooching come first.

  73. Tim James says:

    His boss and he frequently clash,
    And he suffers, as under the lash.
    Here she comes, and he’s sure
    There’s fresh hell to endure:
    “If you would, dear, please take out the trash.”

  74. Kirk Miller says:

    To avoid with your wife a big loss,
    Words of wisdom to you I will toss:
    You will know, if you’re bright,
    She’s not boss ’cause she’s right.
    She is right just because she’s the boss.

  75. Lisi Nortman says:


    Sit down, cause you might need some water
    “Boss” fired me and I sure taught ‘er
    Oh Boy! Did she shout
    When she fine’ly found out
    I’m dating her beautiful daughter

  76. Lisi Nortman says:

    My work for today is now through
    (The boss thinks that I have the flu)
    And now that I’m done
    The truth is I’ve run
    Out of things I’m pretending to do

  77. Lisi Nortman says:

    I just cannot stand my boss Clark!
    Ev’ry day, there’s a nasty remark!
    So I’ll now take a break
    And go sit by the lake
    Then at least I can cry in the park.

  78. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mad: above limerick, L5 Could you please change
    And then I can cry in the park to Then at least I can cry in the park

    Thank You, Lisi



  79. Roger Haugen says:

    When the sickly old man took a sip
    Of a potion with unsurpassed zip,
    The flu quickly fled–
    He leapt from his bed,
    So glad he was losing his grippe.

  80. Tim James says:

    His vasectomy took place today;
    With eight kids, he could hardly say nay.
    He was deep in fear’s grip
    As they started to snip,
    But his wife feels relief, come what may.

  81. Lisi Nortman says:

    At this job I was surely not winning
    On my chair with the wheels I kept spinning
    With that cord ’round my neck
    I was one tragic wreck
    And my boss sat there stupidly grinning

  82. Lisi Nortman says:

    I broke my right hand on a trip
    Oh Boy! I had one nasty slip!
    Now I’m home, just so sad
    Tried to make myself glad
    But my left hand just can’t get a grip

  83. Jean McEwen says:

    Dick just should have bitten his lip,
    But, enraged, he tripped up (lost his grip),
    So he shrieked at his shrink,
    “Bitch, you drive me to kink!”
    (Then regretted his Freudian slip).

  84. Jean McEwen says:

    We women who work for a wage
    To survive must pretend to “engage.”
    To appease the “big cheeses”
    We swallow their teases
    And leers – but internally rage.

  85. Lisi Nortman says:

    I went on a wonderful trip
    And what a magnificent ship!
    Back at work (what a thrill)
    Everybody was ill
    And all waiting to give me the grippe

    (Just another thought)

    I went on a wonderful trip
    And what a magnificent ship!
    Back to work at the mill
    All the workers were ill
    And just waiting to give me the grippe

  86. Suzanne Heymann says:

    My lover would give me a nip
    But couldn’t get past either lip
    His dentures are missing
    (I’ll settle for kissing)
    The Poly has lost all its grip.

  87. Suzanne Heymann says:

    I thought as I drove my Firenza,
    What’s a synonym for ‘influenza’?
    Or ‘cold with a drip’?
    Hey, I’ve got it! It’s ‘grippe’!
    Ha! I should be a member of Mensa!

  88. Suzanne Heymann says:

    Give your parrot a swing with a clip
    So she won’t fall when she does a flip.
    The clip hurt, so your goal
    Is put glue on the pole
    It’s the thing that makes ole’ Polly grip.

  89. Lisi Nortman says:

    Oh Dear Johnny was cool and so hip
    What a shame that he had such a trip
    In his coffin so grand
    The remote in his hand
    (They just could not unlock his grip)

  90. Lisi Nortman says:

    The boss said, “Today I’m in luck
    It feels like pure gold I have struck!
    My job is so hard
    That at times I feel scarred
    But today I got through to a schmuck!”

  91. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mad: above limerick: Could you please change L5 to
    But I fine’ly got through to a schmuck!”

    Thank You

  92. Lisi Nortman says:

    We all had to look up “the grippe”
    It’s a word that is surely a “pip”
    But we needed a rhyme
    That dates back to the time
    When the horse and the buggy were hip

  93. Lisi Nortman says:

    fixing L5 of limerick from 8:47 AM

    Oh Dear Johnny was cool and so hip
    What a shame that he had such a trip!
    In his coffin so grand
    The remote in his hand
    (Which they could not unlock from his grip)

  94. Lisi Nortman says:

    Bosses Day: October 16th….A card from all your employees

    “Happy Bosses Day; we must admit
    You’ve achieved all your goals; WE ALL QUIT
    You act like a jerk
    Ev’ry day here at work
    Making all of us feel just like shit”

  95. Fred Bortz says:

    Our times have a lesson to teach
    About Mr. Trump’s overreach.
    There’s a way we can slip
    From his treacherous grip.
    Step one: A House vote to impeach.

    Then it’s up to the Senate where Mitch
    (That Kentuckian son-of-a-bitch)
    May be faced with a raucous
    Republican caucus
    That votes to toss Don in the ditch.

    A dream? Yes, perhaps, but my view’s
    That there’s more to be heard on the news,
    Without interruption
    Such sleaze, and corruption
    That Senators cannot refuse.

  96. Fred Bortz says:

    Minor revisions. You might say this deals with a boss, but it also uses “grip.”


    Our times have a lesson to teach
    About Mr. Trump’s overreach.
    There’s a way we can slip
    From his treacherous grip.
    Step one: A House vote to impeach.

    Then it’s up to the Senate where Mitch
    (That Kentuckian son-of-a-bitch)
    May be faced with a raucous
    Republican caucus
    That votes to toss Don in the ditch.

    A dream? Yes, perhaps, but my view’s
    That more’s to be heard on the news,
    Without interruption
    Such sleaze, and corruption
    That Senators cannot refuse.

  97. Fred Bortz says:

    Also about a boss, with rhyming word “grip.”

    The sailors all started to shirk
    ‘Cause that man at the helm was a jerk.
    He soon lost his grip
    On the crew of the ship.
    He was more Captain Hook than James Kirk.

  98. Fred Bortz says:

    A boss of a different kind, again with a grip.

    “Dominatrix, please wield your swift whip.
    Make sure that you keep a tight grip.
    And for maximum pain,
    Kindly tighten the chain
    So your servant will not start to slip.”

  99. Lisi Nortman says:

    My boss just now gave me a file
    Containing more work, (I must smile)
    Cause it looks very hard
    So I shall disregard
    It and put in my “never do pile”

  100. Suzanne Heymann says:

    I have many a boss in my job
    I start working by turning a knob
    Of a door; then I see
    What’s expected of me
    To prevent each from being a slob.

    I go in, disinfect, then I freshen
    And I hope I make good an impression.
    I smile and I jest
    Just a-doing my best
    Now you’ve probably guessed my profession.

  101. Suzanne Heymann says:

    If your boss is a jerk in some way
    Who just treats you like crap ev’ry day
    Find new work, rise above it,
    Then say, “Hey, just shove it!”
    Have courage; you’ll love it! Touche!

  102. Suzanne Heymann says:

    Your marriage ain’t nothin’ to praise
    If one bosses, the other obeys.
    If you carry the cross
    Where respect is a loss,
    Then at least ask the ‘boss’ for a raise!

  103. Kirk Miller says:

    At the rock climbing wall I did slip
    Many times. My instructor did quip,
    “You’re too nervous. Just chill
    And I know that you will
    Be okay if you just get a grip.”

  104. Lisi Nortman says:

    These words have a very bad ring!
    And feel like a real nasty sting:
    When the boss says, “Hey Joe!
    “Are you ready to go?
    Cause I need to say just one more thing”

  105. Lisi Nortman says:

    Advice To The New Girl

    With this job, there is no way to win
    So here is a way to begin
    A tactic that works
    When bosses are jerks:
    Just smile on the outside, (SCREAM from within)

  106. Lisi Nortman says:

    When my boss comes, my whole body shakes
    I get headaches, and ev’ry thing aches
    So I found a good way
    To get through the day:
    I take really long bathroom breaks

  107. Lisi Nortman says:

    The boss said that I can be sure
    That “this job is extremely secure
    But the permanent glitch
    Is that I am a bitch
    And as hard as you work, you’ll be poor”

    or another way of putting it:

    The boss said that I can be sure
    “This position’s extremely secure
    But there’s just one small snag:
    This job is a drag
    And as hard as you work, you’ll be poor”

  108. Lisi Nortman says:

    These new shoes that I bought are a rip
    Ev’ry time that I wear them I slip
    Didn’t know that a pump
    Makes you fall on your rump
    And that’s cuz they ain’t got no grip

  109. Lisi Nortman says:

    change in punchline!

    These words have a very bad ring!
    And feel like a real nasty sting!
    When the boss says, “Hey Joe!
    “Are you ready to go?”
    “Cause I want you to do one more thing”

  110. Lisi Nortman says:

    The President says that he’s “hip”
    And runs an “extremely tight ship”
    But don’t bother him now
    Cuz he’s workin’ on how
    To master the mighty “death grip”

  111. Lisi Nortman says:

    The boss gives us workers low pays
    Yet today, we were all just ablaze
    Cuz we found a device
    And asked it, (real nice)
    “Alexa! Please give us a raise”

  112. Lisi Nortman says:

    OR: Put Another Way

    The boss gives us workers low pay
    Thus it’s hard to get through ev’ry day
    But we found a device
    And asked it (real nice)
    “Alexa! Please send him away”

  113. Lisi Nortman says:

    Now give it a really tight grip
    And then my dear, just let it rip
    So do it my way
    It feels good to play
    And that is today’s golfing tip

  114. Lisi Nortman says:

    I’d say that this job is ideally
    The right one for me, (Oh, and really)
    My boss is so nice
    But he’s got just one vice
    And that is he’s too touchy feely

  115. Konrad Schwoerke says:

    The top dog at my firm is a jerk:
    Always leering and touching at work.
    But they laughed sans restraint
    At my HR complaint,
    Now the bitch makes me bump, grind, and twerk.

  116. Tony Holmes says:

    Dominatrix, Lolita von Strippe,
    Would give lectures on wielding the whip.
    And her parting insight,
    As she lashed left and right
    Would be, “Darlinks, it’s all in the grip.”

  117. Lisi Nortman says:

    ( Both Jack Nicklaus and Ben Hogan injured their hips playing professional

    In golf it is all in the grip
    Wear some golf gloves and then it won’t slip
    Then you PIVOT and TWIST
    Relax; don’t get pissed
    If you do, you might Ow Ow your hip

  118. Tony Holmes says:

    She said I had to do better.

    Dominatrix, Lolita von Strippe,
    Will work wonders whilst wielding the whip.
    “What’s your secret?” some ask,
    As she bends to her task.
    She says, “Darlinks, it’s all in zer grip.”

  119. Tony Holmes says:

    It’s love/hate between me and my boss;
    When he isn’t disgruntled, he’s cross.
    I’ve tried talking things through,
    But he tells me, “Go screw!”
    Self-employed is less profit, more loss.

  120. madkane says:

    The current Limerick-Off ends tomorrow, Saturday, at 10 pm (Eastern time.) So please get your limerick stragglers in.

  121. Tim Gray says:

    I am the President, I am the Boss,
    Don’t follow me, and it’s your loss.
    If you try and impeach
    A lesson I’ll teach,
    Your choice, you make the toss.

  122. Tim Gray says:

    Oh! Sad, how the game it has changed.
    With “Me Too”, it’s all rearranged.
    Where once a high rank immunity,
    While we act with impunity,
    Now, to do so’s deranged.

  123. Lisi Nortman says:

    The boss always gives us a greeting
    Yet sometimes, we feel like retreating
    When he says “Come at 2”
    We feel our life’s through
    Cuz that means it’s another DAMN MEETING !

  124. W. Hyrkas says:

    His manhood he clutched in a firm grip.
    If he wet his pants, his wife would flip.
    He made it to the tree,
    released a stream of pee.
    If he had just remembered to unzip!

  125. W. Hyrkas says:

    The trapeze artist was losing his grip.
    He was giddy from the alcohol nip.
    Enjoying falling free?
    That was from the L.S.D.
    He didn’t know it’d be his last trip.

  126. W. Hyrkas says:

    The boss is coming down with the grippe.
    He will have to skip his business trip.
    Now that gnarled gnome
    is playing boss at home.
    While chasing his kids, he broke his hip.

  127. W. Hyrkas says:

    While walking the dog, I lost my grip.
    That overlong leash caused me to trip.
    I’m lying on the ground.
    He’s going back to the pound.
    Though I’m not that old, I broke my hip.

  128. Tim Gray says:

    They can’t think that I’ve lost my grip
    So I’ll confuse by just letting rip.
    If they try to abuse
    I’ll just call it Fake News,
    But it will be one hell of a trip.

  129. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for another fun two weeks of limericks. This Limerick-Off is officially over. And the winner is…

    Limerick-Off Award 332. Congratulations to the winners!

    But you can still have lots of limerick fun because a new Limerick-Off has just begun: Limerick-Off LOCK.