Limerick-Off Monday – Rhyme Word: PORT or SUPPORT or REPORT or DEPORT at the end of any one line

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same rhyme word. Then you post your limerick(s) as a comment to this post and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

I hope you’ll join me in writing limericks using PORT or SUPPORT or REPORT or DEPORT at the end of any one line. (Homonyms or homophones are fine.)

The best submission will be crowned Limerick-Off Award Winner. (Here’s last week’s Limerick-Off Award Winner.)

Additionally, you may write themed limericks related to CLOCKS, using any rhyme scheme. And of course I’ll present an extra award — one for the best CLOCK-related limerick.

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, cleverness, and humor. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, here’s my How To Write A Limerick article.)

I’ll announce the winners on March 18, 2018, right before I post the next Limerick-Off. So that gives you two full weeks to submit your clever, polished verse. Your submission deadline is Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 10:00 p.m. (Eastern Time.)

Here’s my limerick:

I’m going to court for a tort
That took place at a fancy resort.
Here’s the thrust of the case:
My client’s poor face
Was struck by a bottle of port.

Please feel free to enter my Limerick-Off by posting your limerick(s) in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please email Subject: MadKane’s Newsletter. Thanks!

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143 Responses to “Limerick-Off Monday – Rhyme Word: PORT or SUPPORT or REPORT or DEPORT at the end of any one line”

  1. Ken Gosse says:

    Twice a year we will tinker with time
    though it pre-dates primordial slime.
    Took some heads full of rocks
    to make laws changing clocks.
    It’s a slippery-slope’s uphill climb.

  2. The president needs life support.
    Chain immigrant Mel? Quick, deport!
    Steve Bannon’s been banned,
    Jarvanka’s been canned …
    But it’s all fake news (Fox report).

  3. Patrice Stewart says:

    Please Say I’m Not Dreaming

    A sad day, we’re here to report:
    The President’s just been deport-
    Ed. Seen off at the dock
    By both parties (a shock)!
    The news anchor let out a loud snort.

    Then a frenzied and wild celebration
    Gripped ninety percent of the nation –
    NRA was disbanded,
    The Martians had landed!
    I awoke, fading sense of elation…

    NRA gone?! ‘Twas then that I knew
    It had all been too good to be true.
    But I smiled anyway
    As I started my day,
    Having learned Martian spaceships were blue.

  4. Patrice Stewart says:

    The facts were bared in the report
    On sex and contortions for sport.
    Paramour and his chosen
    Fooled with lederhosen:
    Willy’s frozen! The couple’s in court.

  5. brian allgar says:

    (A few old ones revisited …)

    He was angry, and phoned tech support.
    “It don’t work, that computer I bought!”
    “Have you plugged it in right?”
    “I can’t tell with no light –
    We’ve got an electrical short.”

    Donald Junior thinks it a shame
    That although he can slaughter and maim,
    He cannot import
    Tusks and heads from his sport –
    To him, it is all a big game.

    He could never get people to pick
    What he thought was his best party-trick –
    Imitating a clock.
    He was good at the ‘tock’,
    But he’d never quite mastered the ‘tick.’

    Said President Trump: “When I clocked her,
    I moved on the bitch. I’d’ve cocked her,
    But she turned me down,”
    He complained with a frown,
    “So what’s wrong with the stupid bitch, Doctor?”

  6. brian allgar says:

    His doctors prepared their report
    On the President: “Keeping it short,
    Though we think he’s insane,
    When we look for his brain,
    All we find is a genital wart.”

  7. Kathleen Bartolettti says:

    NASA scientists made this report:
    “Today’s planned mission we must abort,
    A check of the spacecraft
    Shows it bare, fore and aft,
    It seems that we’re three astronauts short!”

  8. Kathleen Bartolettti says:

    As was ruled by the Family Court
    She’s entitled to get child support,
    Now she shirks with a smirk
    As her kids go to work
    To pay Mother’s bills, sources report.

  9. Dave Johnson says:

    Like Hickory Dickory Dock,
    We bought an old grandfather clock.
    The casing was nice,
    Though the timing device
    Delivered a tick but no tock.

  10. Judith H Block says:

    Think of Trump and my face will contort.
    The elections are our last resort.
    He keeps threatening war,
    There’s corruption galore,
    He is truly a storm in the port.

  11. Judith H Block says:

    The time’s going too fast, stop the clock,
    We grow older with every tick-tock.
    That mirror is lying,
    It’s just horrifying.
    That reflection is quite a rude shock.

  12. brian allgar says:

    Said the Donald, “We gotta deport
    All them druggies.” But he never thought
    ICE would break down his door
    And deport him. What for?
    Just for one Presidential snort.

  13. brian allgar says:

    A riddle: Who am I?

    This grandfather isn’t a clock,
    Though his hands used to give girls a shock.
    But he’s now just a tick;
    There’s no ‘tock’ in his dick,
    And he spends his time sucking a Koch.

  14. Sharon Neeman says:

    “I’m sick of your coming up short
    With the payments for Ben’s child support!
    He’s your kid! Don’t you care?
    He has nothing to wear!
    I’ll report you — they’ll fine you in court.”

    “Yeah? Last Thursday Ben came for the day
    And I took him to test DNA.
    Keep your ‘court,’ keep your ‘fine’ —
    ‘Cause you know he’s not mine!
    Now let’s see what the judge has to say.”

  15. Sharon Neeman says:

    My clocks used to tick on the wall
    And a grandfather chimed in the hall.
    Now they hide, half unseen,
    At the edge of my screen
    With no ticking or chiming at all.

  16. Jean McEwen says:

    Their functions are fairly routine:
    Sound alarms; say when meetings convene.
    The typical clock
    Just goes tick and then tock,
    But YOUR clock? Now, that one I’ll clean!

  17. Jean McEwen says:

    Trump’s unglued—and now Grand Puppeteer.
    “Make those DACA kids just disappear!
    Time’s up! Please escort
    Those sloths back to the port
    Where they entered. Let me commandeer!”

  18. Tim James says:

    “Spring forward, fall back.” He had mocked
    That old bromide, but now he was shocked.
    He was one hour late
    For his meeting at eight.
    With the time change, he’d gone off half-clocked.

  19. Marty Gerendasy says:

    ‘Bout the time of the next equinox,
    Once again we’ll be changing our clocks.
    Gotta move ’em ahead,
    Lose an hour in bed.
    Need another 8 months to detox!

  20. Patrice Stewart says:

    Why Legislate When You Can Pontificate?

    Droned speeches, gah…ad infinitum;
    I vote anyway, yes, despite ’em
    But do not support
    All the ways they distort
    Facts: wish we had recourse and could cite ’em!

  21. Mike Moulton says:

    Carl Ichan, in a recent report,
    Knew the tariff on steel we import
    Would cause business pains
    To Manitowoc’s cranes,
    So his holdings with them he cut short.

  22. Mike Moulton says:

    An updated version-am i too late?

    Carl Ichan, says one report,
    Knew the tariff on steel we import
    Would cause business pains
    To Manitowoc’s cranes
    So his share of their stock he cut short.

  23. Kathleen Bartolettti says:

    Little Ben felt his world start to rock.
    Would he ever get over the shock?
    Seems his Dad’s not his Dad
    But just some unknown cad
    Who once banged his Mum under a clock!

    “Tell me Mum,” he asked, “Why did you go
    Make time with a guy you didn’t know?”
    She winked, “He made my chimes
    Ring seven or eight times–
    Back then I was fast — my watch was slow.”

    His mum made this candid confession
    Before his noon piano lesson.
    Banging piano keys
    As she once banged with ease,
    He slid into childhood depression.

  24. Lisi Nortman says:

    My teacher said, “Write a report
    And please try to make it real SHORT”
    She liked mine the best
    (Better than the rest)
    Called, “Woody Allen Is Not A Good Sport”

  25. Mike Shulman says:

    Claimed a windbag in bankrupcy court:
    “I’m a stud in a lady’s resort.
    But on spying his tool,
    The judge ruled the fool
    Had no visible means of support.

  26. Mike Shulman says:

    Claimed a windbag in bankrupcy court:
    “I’m a stud in a ladies resort.”
    But on spying his tool,
    The judge ruled the fool
    Had no visible means of support.

    (typos fixed)

  27. Lisi Nortman says:

    I bought myself an “antique” clock
    Oh, wow did this time piece ROCK !!
    But it started to ROLL
    Then it did the STROLL
    Previous owner? Dick Clark, the “jock”

  28. Lisi Nortman says:

    We waited at the Jersey port
    Then took a trip to a seaside resort
    Seniors know how to pack
    Lots of bras in their sack
    (All our boobs need extra support)

  29. Jim says:

    There was this girl who was so short
    Tall guys she wished for her consort
    But none applied
    She cried and cried
    Tall shoe shoed clown came for her support

  30. Lisi Nortman says:


    We seniors never stop
    At four we do the bop
    At five we do the jive
    But at six, we’re ready to flop
    So we only rock halfway ’round the clock

  31. Lisi Nortman says:

    We shared a glass of vintage port
    At a very famous French resort
    Then we drove to the beach
    His kisses were sweet; we started
    Why must this dream be so short?

  32. Lisi Nortman says:

    Attached to my laptop is a clock
    It’s makes a “ding” when my typing should stop
    But it doesn’t work
    (I’m such a jerk)
    After my very first limerick, it went “kerplop”

  33. Lisi Nortman says:


    Boy, we seniors just never stop !
    When it’s four o’clock we do the bop
    And then when it’s five
    We do the jive
    And at six we rock HALFWAY ’round the clock

  34. Lisi Nortman says:


  35. Lisi Nortman says:


    For this limerick (?) I need support
    So it won’t be too long or too short
    You have changed all your rules
    We seniors feel like fools
    We CAN’T DO IT !! Our minds you have thwart

  36. Kathleen Bartolettti says:

    She heard her biological clock
    Loud and clear, and with every tick tock
    She cried and thought maybe
    Instead of a baby
    She’d be forced to adopt a Pet Rock.

  37. Kathleen Bartolettti says:

    She had done everything she could do
    To get pregnant, and now she was through;
    Her bi’logical clock
    Had wound down its tick tock–
    Its silence she could not misconstrue.

    She went for a walk by the river
    Where loud wailing sounds made her shiver,
    There she found a dear babe
    She adopted and saved
    And named “Buttercup” — (may he forgive her!)

  38. Lisi Nortman says:

    I tried to give him loving support
    When he confessed to being real short
    But when he went in
    I said, “When does this begin?”
    He looked confused and gave out a snort

  39. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mad, if YOU think it would be more to the point, can you change “I said when does this begin?” to “I ASKED when WILL IT begin?”


    I’ve sent you an email. Please read it carefully and follow my instructions.

  40. cathie solomonson says:

    Ricardo was such a good sport
    At the Fantasy Island Resort
    His smile grew so wide
    When Tattoo, at his side
    Yelled ,”Da plane… da plane …in da port!”

  41. P Diane Schneider says:

    “Dear Leader* sees it as a sport
    Inventing new ways to deport
    So if one is brown
    One has to leave town
    (Could that be considered a tort?)

  42. Dave Johnson says:

    This notion of “beating the clock” –
    I wonder, why give it a sock?
    Or making it splat
    With a brick or a bat;
    Is dinging the thing just a crock?

  43. P Diane Schneider says:

    So now the time has run out
    And DACA’s hanging in doubt
    SCOTUS stopped the clock
    But that’s not a lock
    Potential remains for a rout.

  44. Dave Johnson says:

    “Executive time” isn’t work;
    It’s hours he chooses to shirk
    By watching TV;
    One day he will see
    That time has run out for the jerk.

  45. Dave Johnson says:

    So D.D. and P.P. agreed
    Their secret they’d never concede.
    She now can report
    That he tried to abort
    Her sharing his doing the deed.

  46. brian allgar says:

    They’ve abolished all rules for the banks;
    For that, the Koch Brothers give thanks.
    “Donald’s turned back the clock”,
    Crows the senior Koch,
    While the younger just gibbers and wanks,

  47. Kirk Miller says:

    At a nuclear plant, they abort
    Operations while trying to thwart
    Radiational leaks.
    An inspector then speaks,
    And he gives them a glowing report.

  48. brian allgar says:

    The Donald has found a new sport
    In the navy. “Gee, who would have thought?
    I may be no sailor,
    But, hey, I can nail her –
    In every young girl, there’s a port.”

  49. brian allgar says:

    She sighed. She’d been sucking his cock
    For a couple of hours by the clock,
    But the guy was still limp.
    “Fake news!” cried the wimp,
    “I’m the Donald, I’m hard as a rock!”

  50. Fred Bortz says:

    They frolicked at Trumpster’s resort
    And elsewhere, the papers report.
    A tryst in Chicago?
    Perhaps Mar-a-Lago?
    Then Stormy says, “See you in Court!”

  51. John Bergstrom says:

    De pirates was drinking de port
    they were down to their very last quart
    but de porter came by
    and renewed their supply –
    He re-ported ’em, ‘fore they ran short

  52. Fred Bortz says:

    “In physics, we’ve changed how we’ve reckoned
    The unit of time called the second.
    The Earth day’s not steady,
    So here’s how. Are you ready?”
    And then the prof laughed, and he beckoned.

    “Take cesium one-thirty-three.
    ‘Tween its hyperfine levels you’ll see
    In the atom’s ground state
    A transitional rate
    That’s unchanging, so all can agree.

    “So we count its vibrations, nine bill
    Plus one hundred and ninety two mill
    Six thirty-one thousand
    Sev-seventy (wows!) and
    A second has passed. Get it, Phil?”

    (A little contrived, but it’s an exact description of an atomic clock.)

  53. Fred Bortz says:

    “In physics, we’ve changed how we’ve reckoned
    The unit of time called the second.
    The Earth day’s not steady,
    So here’s how. Are you ready?”
    And then the prof laughed, and he beckoned.

    “Take cesium one-thirty-three.
    ‘Tween its hyperfine levels you’ll see
    In the atom’s ground state
    A transitional rate
    That’s unchanging, so all can agree.

    “So we count its vibrations, nine bill
    Plus one hundred ninety two mill
    Six thirty-one thousand
    Sev-seventy (wows!) and
    A second has passed. Get it, Phil?”

    (A little contrived, but it’s an exact description of an atomic clock.)

    Edited line 2, last verse, removed “and”

  54. Konrad Schwoerke says:

    A mouse had been warned of the clock:
    “It’s electric and likely to shock.”
    This advice went unheeded,
    And so now what is needed
    Is a hickory dickory doc.

  55. Konrad Schwoerke says:

    Oops, I meant to thank Dave Johnson for the idea. Thanks, Dave!

  56. Bob Dvorak says:

    I am more than alarmed to report
    That my lim’rick last week was a tort.
    Or so they do say
    (Make that DT, okay?),
    And I may end up going to court.

  57. Bob Dvorak says:

    Re my “REPORT” limerick immediately preceding this note:
    I make it a habit to read the “keywords” and compose my own limericks before reading anyone else’s. This prevents my mind from a bias injected by someone else’s…
    Then I go back and start reading. And I thought I had been so clever using “tort” and “court”. To find out very quickly that Mad had used the same rhymes. Ah, well. GMTA. ;)

  58. Tim James says:

    A sailor, a free-spending sort,
    Hired a hooker for sexual sport.
    He said, between sighs
    As she straddled his thighs,
    “Lean a bit more to starboard! Now port!”

  59. Sharon Neeman says:

    My addictions (I’m sad to report)
    Include chocolate bars, ice cream and torte.
    As a sideline of those,
    I got hooked on new clothes —
    For I never have cravings for sport.

  60. Fred Bortz says:

    A twofer:

    A clock of a variant sort
    Is for sale at a famed Cuban port.
    It’s a Bay of Pigs ticker
    That makes people snicker
    When the cuckoo announces, “Snort, snort.”

  61. Fred Bortz says:

    A two-fer:

    A clock of a variant sort
    Is for sale at a famed Cuban port.
    It’s a Bay of Pigs ticker
    That makes people snicker.
    The cuckoo announces, “Snort, snort.”

  62. Dave Johnson says:

    Melania sitting at home
    While hubby continued to roam
    Has triggered the sort
    Of salacious report
    That warrants her clocking his dome.

  63. Lisi Nortman says:


    We GALS at the NEW Jersey PORT
    Took a TRIP to a REAL nice reSORT
    Seniors KNOW how to PACK
    Lots of BRAS in their SACK
    ‘Cause our BOOBS need that EXtra suPPORT

  64. Lisi Nortman says:

    not a duplicate

    The CLOCK’S an a MAZing in VEN tion
    With a FUNC tion be YOND compre HEN sion
    It e SCAPES being LEWD
    Or E ven quite CRUDE
    By ADDing an “L” for ex TEN sion

  65. Lisi Nortman says:


    We GALS from the NEW Northbrook COURT
    Took a TRIP to a REAL nice re SORT
    Seniors KNOW how to PACK
    Lots of BRAS in their SACK
    Cause our BOOBS need that EX tra support

    (I changed port to court, so as not to use PORT twice)

  66. Lisi Nortman says:

    I GAVE him a LOT of su PPORT
    Since HE was ex TREME ly so SHORT
    But HE was so THIN
    And COULD n’t get IN
    But the GUY was a REALLY good SPORT

  67. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mad :
    Please put COULDN’T in CAPS in above limerick.
    The auto-correct is kind of a pain
    Thank you for all your help!!!!

    I wrote it COULD n’t because the n’t is an unstressed syllable.

  68. Dave Johnson says:

    Whatever he wanted to say,
    She’d alter to make it her way.
    His final retort:
    “I have to report
    She’s sorry she left him today.”

  69. Dave Johnson says:

    With climate change, time’s running short;
    That ice melt will fail to abort.
    Proceeding this way,
    In Phoenix some day
    They’ll have to establish a port.

  70. Lisi Nortman says:

    There are “GALS” waiting AT every PORT
    Some are TALL; and then SOME very SHORT
    They WAIT for one THING
    And it’s NOT a gold RING
    So use MOUTHWASH be FORE you ca VORT

  71. Lisi Nortman says:

    “As a SEN ior I NEED some su PPORT
    Will you PLEASE help ex TORT
    Some FUNDS from the BANK
    Then ME you may SPANK
    You LOOK like a REAL good sport

  72. Lisi Nortman says:


    Father TIME ticks a WAY
    Someone DIES here each DAY
    They COME and they GO
    And we all KNOW
    This PLACE ain’t for LONG term stay

  73. Lisi Nortman says:

    change due to one mistake in line 5, which you will notice is not in caps

    We GALS from the NEW Southbrook COURT
    Took a TRIP to a REAL nice re SORT
    Seniors KNOW how to PACK
    Lots of BRAS in their SACK
    ‘Cause our BOOBS need that EX tra su PPORT

  74. Kirk Miller says:

    The man’s knowledge of debt needs expanding,
    ‘Cause he doesn’t have much understanding.
    Saw his credit report,
    And the dimwit’s retort
    Was, “I’m flattered. My debt is outstanding.”

  75. Lisi Nortman says:

    The DON ald was IN civil COURT
    To TRY and a TTEMPT to de PORT
    My DEAR friend SUE
    Who was ALWAYS so TRUE
    On the GROUNDS that this GAL was too SHORT

  76. Lisi Nortman says:


    Father TIME simply TIC tocks a WAY
    Someone HERE seems to DIE every DAY
    They COME and they GO
    But we CER tainly KNOW
    This PLACE is not FOR long-term STAY


    I’m a SEN ior who NEEDS much su PPORT
    Will you PLEASE try and HELP me ex TORT?
    Some FUNDS from the BANK
    (and then YOU I will THANK)
    Cause you LOOK like a REA lly good SPORT !!

  77. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mad: above limerick will be more civilized if it says:
    “and then YOU I will THANK” Don’t you agree?
    line 4 second limerick


    I agree, and I changed it.

  78. Dave Johnson says:

    While lending each other support,
    They went to a swingers resort.
    For Samantha and Fran,
    Finding men was the plan;
    But prospects were coming up short.

  79. Tim James says:

    She was writing a paper. In short:
    High explosives she made by the quart.
    Then it all hit the floor
    And went off with a roar.
    Sadly, that was her final report.

  80. Lisi Nortman says:


    The DON ald was IN civil COURT
    To TRY and a TTEMPT to de PORT
    My DEAR est friend SUE
    Who was AL ways so TRUE
    On the GROUNDS that this GAL was too SHORT

  81. Dave Johnson says:

    Our clocks springing forward adds light
    Much later on into the night.
    For some, it’s a boon;
    But for others, the moon
    Makes hot-tubbing less of a fright.

  82. Lisi Nortman says:


    Even THOUGH he says ” I”M not real SHORT”
    Our PREZ certain LY loves to CA vort
    When ON the Ti TAN ic
    He did NOT show his PAN ic
    And SAID, “any STORM ey in a PORT”

  83. Lisi Nortman says:


    Even THOUGH he says, “I”M not real SHORT”
    Our PREZ certain LY loves to CA vort
    When ON the Ti TAN ic
    He did NOT show his PAN ic
    And SAID, “There’s a STOR mey right THERE in the PORT”

  84. Lisi Nortman says:


    Even THOUGH he in TRUTH is real SHORT
    Our PREZ certain LY loves to CA vort
    When ON the Ti TAN ic
    He did NOT show his PAN ic
    And SAID, “There’s a STORM ey right THERE in that PORT

  85. Kathleen Bartoletti says:

    Her blind date, she was sad to report,
    Was toothless, odiferous and short;
    It was all she could do
    Not to shout out “Pee-yew!”
    Or to run off, as a last resort.

  86. brian allgar says:

    A pleasing fantasy

    “A parade!” said the Donald with glee.
    “The whole army, in honour of ME!
    At the rifles’ report
    They will march!” So he thought –
    But instead, every man took the knee.

  87. Lisi Nortman says:

    A LIM rick is KIND of a CLOCK
    There’s a “TICK” and right AF ter, a ” TOCK”
    If you GET it just RIGHT
    You will FEEL much de LIGHT
    Or in MY case I’ll GO into SHOCK

  88. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mr. TRUMP had to WRITE a re PORT
    To send STRAIGHT to the COOK County COURT
    It stated, “WE billion AIRES
    Never HAVE any A ffaires
    Why do PE ople think I am that SORT?”

  89. Lisi Nortman says:

    Seniors MUST have a VE ry fine CLOCK
    One that’s pre CISE and goes “TICK itey TOCK”
    We should ALL know the HOUR
    To TAKE a hot SHOWER
    Then be on TIME to go SEE a good DOC

  90. Dave Johnson says:

    A ship pulling into the port
    Has sailors who want to go sort
    Out the good from the rest,
    Then take on the best;
    Street ballin’ – their favorite sport.

  91. Lisi Nortman says:

    I wrote a funny limerick and it read
    Or in my case, You’ll go into shock
    It should be, Or in my case, I’LL go into shock
    If you can find it, can you change it?
    Thank you


    I found it and fixed it. That limerick had excellent meter, by the way. :)

  92. Dave Johnson says:

    In rowing, she’s starboard or port;
    Or both, if mixed quads are the sport.
    She’ll chastise the bloke
    Who falters his stroke;
    “No coxswain!” her classic retort.

  93. Lisi Nortman says:


    I BOUGHT a used MUS ical CLOCK
    Oh BOY how this TIME piece could ROCK
    But it STAR ed to ROLL
    And THEN did the “STROLL”
    Previo US owner: DICK Clark, the “JOCK”

  94. Lisi Nortman says:


    I BOUGHT a used MUS ical CLOCK
    Oh BOY how this TIME piece could ROCK !!
    But it START ed to ROLL
    And THEN did the “STROLL”
    Former OWN er was DICK Clark, the “JOCK”

  95. Lisi Nortman says:

    Seniors MUST have a VE ry fine CLOCK
    Which goes TICK it te TICK it te TOCK
    We should ALL know the HOUR
    When to TAKE a hot SHOWER
    Then be on TIME to go SEE a good DOC

  96. Lisi Nortman says:

    Mr. Trump had to write a report
    To send straight to the Cook County court
    Which said, “We RICH billion AIRES
    Don’t have A ny lewd AF faires”
    Why do people think I am that sort ?


  97. Fred Bortz says:

    Fixing the meter in the first verse.

    “In physics, we’ve changed how we’ve reckoned
    The unit of time called the second.
    Since Earth days aren’t steady,
    Here’s how. Are you ready?”
    And then the prof laughed, and he beckoned.

    “Take cesium one-thirty-three.
    ‘Tween its hyperfine levels you’ll see
    In the atom’s ground state
    A transitional rate
    That’s unchanging, so all can agree.

    “So we count its vibrations, nine bill
    Plus one hundred ninety two mill
    Six thirty-one thousand
    Sev-seventy (wows!) and
    A second has passed. Get it, Phil?”

    (A little contrived, but it’s an exact description of an atomic clock.)

  98. I’ve a theory that gathers support
    with each Stormy Daniels report:
    Trump can rule the world
    and have any girl
    but will keep the one he can deport.

  99. Lisi Nortman says:

    My LAP top’s a TTACHED to a CLOCK
    It goes “DING” when my TYP ing should STOP
    But the THING doesn’t WORK
    (I’m SUCH a damn JERK)
    After ONE day, it WENT into SHOCK

  100. Lisi Nortman says:


    My TEA cher said, “WRITE a re PORT;
    And PLEASE try and MAKE it real SHORT”
    She LIKED mine the BEST
    (Better THAN all the REST)
    Called, “Ken JEONG is just NOT a good SPORT”

  101. Lisi Nortman says:

    We DINED at a FAN cy re SORT
    Then STROLLED to the BEAU tiful PORT
    We had PAS sionate SEX
    Five TIMES on the DECKS
    (Why MUST my sul TRY dream be SHORT?)

  102. Lisi Nortman says:


    We DINED at a FAN cy re SORT
    Then STROLLED to the BEAU tiful PORT
    We had HOT sultry SEX
    Five TIMES on the DECKS
    (WHY was this DREAM so damn SHORT?)

  103. Mark Kane says:

    A woman who loved to cavort
    With sailors or so they’d report,
    Would wait with her gin,
    As their frigates sailed in,
    Then welcome them into her port.

  104. Lisi Nortman says:

    My TEA cher said, “WRITE a re PORT
    And PLEASE try and MAKE it real SHORT”
    She LIKED mine the BEST
    It BEAT all the REST
    Called, “Ken JEONG is just NOT a good SPORT”

  105. Lisi Nortman says:


    My LAP top’s at TACHED to a CLOCK
    It goes “DING” when my TYP ing should STOP
    But this THING doesn’t WORK
    I FEEL like a JERK
    Just one LIM ‘rick caused IN disposed SHOCK

    (The computer will not allow me to type LIMERICK
    It insists it’s Lim Erick )

  106. Lisi Nortman says:


    My LAP top’s at TACHED to a CLOCK
    It SHOWS me the TIME I should KNOCK
    It OUT (take a BREAK)
    But JUST for my SAKE
    I must STRIVE to make MY lim’ricks ROCK

  107. Lisi Nortman says:


    My LAP top’s at TACHED to a CLOCK
    It SHOWS me the TIME I should KNOCK
    IT OFF (take a BREAK)
    But JUST for my SAKE
    I’ll STRIVE till my LIM ‘ricks just ROCK

  108. Lisi Nortman says:

    Please substitute I STRIVE so my LIM ‘ricks just ROCK
    to I’ll STRIVE till my LIM ‘ricks just ROCK

    Thank You Again


  109. Lisi Nortman says:

    I USE a strange “TALK to Me” CLOCK
    It’s ON my oak NIGHTSTAND near my ROCK
    But it SEEMS kind of RUDE
    And E ven quite CRUDE
    Like to DAY it said,” WAKE up you CROCK”

  110. Lisi Nortman says:


    I USE a strange “TALK To Me” CLOCK
    It’s ON my oak NIGHT stand:(a COOL block)
    But it SEEMS kind of RUDE
    And E ven quite CRUDE
    Like it SAID, “Please wake UP, you old CROCK”

  111. Randy Wagner says:

    A laptop who loved to cavort
    With connective devices for sport
    Gushed, “I’ll always enable
    A USB cable
    Adapted to turn on my port.”

  112. Lisi Nortman says:


    You should SEE my cool

  113. Lisi Nortman says:


    I HAVE an out STAND ing new CLOCK
    I can “HEAR” it go TICK-a-te TOCK
    But SOME times it’s RUDE
    And E ven quite CRUDE
    It SAID “please wake UP you old CROCK

  114. Lisi Nortman says:


    The GALS wait at EV ery PORT
    Some are TALL and then SOME very SHORT
    They are AF ter one THING
    And it’s NOT a gold RING
    Use MOUTH wash be FORE you ca VORT

  115. Lisi Nortman says:


    The CLOCK’S an a MAZ ing in VEN tion
    With a FUNC tion be YOND compre HEN sion
    It e SCAPES being LEWD
    Or E ven quite CRUDE
    By GRACE of an “L” for ex TEN sion

  116. Lisi Nortman says:


    Seniors MUST have a VE ry fine CLOCK
    (Pre CISE and goes TICK ety TOCK)
    We should ALL know the HOUR
    When it’s TIME for a SHOW er
    Then be EAR ly to GO see the DOC

  117. Dave Johnson says:

    Bad timing completely infects it;
    Dysfunction and all that connects it.
    Department of State
    Has met the same fate;
    Ensuring that Tillerson Rexit.

  118. David Reddekopp says:

    Whoever thought up DST
    Was certainly on LSD
    But here, no one talks
    About changing their clocks
    Of this nonsense, you see, we are free.

    (Saskatchewan does not participate in Daylight Savings Time, thank God. We wonder why anyone does.)

  119. Lisi Nortman says:

    Trump got UP at the CRACK of the DAWN
    It was SIX so he JUST had to YAWN
    He CLICKED on his STAT ion
    For in- DEPTH inforMA tion
    And WATCHED Laura, TUC ker, and SEAN

  120. Kirk Miller says:

    A yoga instructor named Mort
    Gave students some extra support.
    “Do you have time to meet
    One-on-one?” asked young Pete.
    “I’m flexible,” came the retort.

  121. Lisi Nortman says:


    Trump LOOKED at the CLOCK; it was DAWN
    (So EARL y he GAVE out a YAWN)
    He’d re COR ded the STAT ion
    With in – DEPTH infor MAT ion
    Then WATCHED Laura, TUCK er and SEAN

  122. Byron Miller says:


    The new S.O.S. is Pompeo,
    He’s white as a fresh jar of mayo.
    Each Noon he’ll give Trump
    A big kiss on his rump,
    Or be gone by the end of the dayo.

  123. Lisi Nortman says:

    There are TIMES that a MAN has to WAIT
    For his LOVE ly and BEAU tiful DATE
    It HAPP ends to BE a fact
    That CLOCKS are not ex ACT
    So she JUST might be FIVE seconds LATE

  124. Lisi Nortman says:

    The PREZ claims he’ s LOS ing su PPORT
    Cause the LEFT says that HE will dis TORT
    The FACTS that are TRUE
    Just from HIS point of VIEW
    As he STILL plays his OUT- of bounds SPORT

  125. Lisi Nortman says:

    You’ll NO tice that CLOCKS have two HANDS
    There are PRI cy and BAR gain type BRANDS
    But if YOU can’t tell TIME
    It is SURE ly a CRIME
    There’s no WAY it will MEET your de MANDS

  126. Lisi Nortman says:


    There are TIMES that a MAN has to WAIT
    For his LOVE ly and BEAUT iful DATE
    But it’s TRU ly a FACT
    No clock’s REAL ly ex ACT
    So she MIGHT just be FIVE seconds LATE

  127. Lisi Nortman says:

    The PREZ says he WANTS to de PORT
    THOSE who are TALL and real SHORT
    If he GETS his own WAY
    Men and WO men will STRAY
    So WHO then will HOLD down the FORT ?

  128. Lisi Nortman says:


    The PREZ claims he’s LOS ing su PORT
    Cause the LEFT says he TENDS to dis TORT
    The FACTS that are TRUE
    From HIS point of VIEW
    But he STILL plays his OUT-of bounds SPORT

  129. Lisi Nortman says:

    A “SECRET”

    Mr. TRUMP had to WRITE a re PORT
    To go STRAIGHT to the COOK County COURT
    It said, “WE billion AIRES
    Do NOT have aff AIRES
    Why do PEO ple think I am that SORT?”

  130. Dave Johnson says:

    It looked like the win was a lock;
    So coaches said “Run out the clock.”
    But things happened fast,
    Their lead wouldn’t last;
    Which won them some papers that walk.

  131. Sharon Neeman says:

    “There will always be change.” Should I snort,
    Or come up with a snappy retort?
    There’ll be change, I agree –
    When the voters all see
    You’re the menace we need to deport!

  132. Sharon Neeman says:

    Daylight Saving Time’s playing its tricks:
    I’m in Israel; my cuz from the sticks
    Of New Jersey just phoned;
    “Five AM here!” I groaned.
    “Oh no, really? I thought it was six!”

  133. Lisi Nortman says:


    You’ll NO tice that CLOCKS have two HANDS
    There are PRI cy and BAR gain type BRANDS
    But if YOU can’t tell TIME
    They AIN’T worth a DIME
    Cause there’s NO way they’ll MEET your de MANDS

  134. Lisi Nortman says:


    We ONCE had a GREAT knocker-UPP er
    Who “TOLD” us it’s TIME for our SUPP er
    He was SO very CUTE
    That I FOLL owed his ROUTE
    But to HIM I was MERE ly a SUCK er

  135. Lisi Nortman says:

    My CU koo had a REAL ly tense COUGH
    I was STAR tled to HEAR my “pet” SCOFF
    Then I WON dered just WHY
    And he GAVE his re PLY:
    “I was MERE ly a LIT tle ticked OFF”

  136. Lisi Nortman says:


    My CU koo had a REAL ly tense COUGH
    He START ed to SCOWL ; then he’d SCOFF
    I WON dered just WHY
    So he GAVE his re PLY:
    “I MERE ly was a LIT tle ticked OFF

  137. Ryan Tilley says:

    March Madness

    She had smirked with a clever retort,
    But her actions would show in report.
    The attendant would grin
    With the pup in the bin
    Till its death and a visit to court!

  138. Sharon Neeman says:

    A clock is a hellish invention
    With nary a good point to mention;
    It wakes you and shakes you
    And takes you and makes you
    Face deadlines and adds to your tension.

  139. Lisi Nortman says:

    Oh NO, it is NOW twelve o’ CLOCK !
    I BET ter be HOME; I must ROCK
    I have LOST my glass SLIP per
    And it’s AL most Yom KIP pur
    It’s TOO much for ME; I’m in SHOCK

  140. Kirk Miller says:

    Mad Kane once was sipping some port
    While pondering loss in the court.
    She was asked what she’d do.
    “I’ll appeal and then sue.”
    It was both a reply and re-tort.

  141. Lisi Nortman says:

    My “CU-koo bird’ START ed to COUGH
    Then SCOWLED and he NAST ingly SCOFFED
    I WON dered just WHY
    And he GAVE his re PLY
    “I FEEL so com PLETE ly ticked OFF”

  142. Lisi Nortman says:

    Seniors NEED a de PEND able CLOCK
    (Pre CISE and goes TICK ety TOCK)
    We should ALL know the HO ur
    When it’s TIME for a SHOW er
    And be EAR ly to GO see the DOC

  143. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for another fun two weeks of limericks. This Limerick-Off is officially over. And the winner is…

    Limerick-Off Award 294.

    But you can still have lots of limerick fun because a new Limerick-Off has just begun: Limerick-Off Bark.