About Garrison Keillor (Limerick)

Here’s a limerick I wrote a long time ago, but never posted.

Why not? Because I get more than enough attacks for my views on politics and music.

But somehow, it seems like a pretty safe time to post it:

Mr. Keillor is thought of as great.
His humorist rep is first rate.
But wit is subjective.
So please no invective
For saying: “I just don’t relate!”

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2 Responses to “About Garrison Keillor (Limerick)”

  1. Hello Madeleine,

    I truly appreciate your candor and willingness to put your views out there regardless of what others may think. I have decided that I want to be you when I grow up . . . as long as you music views are in line with mine. LOL.


  2. madkane says:

    LOL! And thanks!