Not That I’m Complaining, But… (Limerick)
I’m not writing a climate-change screed,
But I’d wager most folks would concede
This is crazy as heck:
Icy drinks on our deck,
Late December, New York. Coat? No need!
Tags: Climate Change, December Holidays, Drinking Limerick, Holiday Humor, New York City, Outdoors Humor, Weather Humor
El Niño this time is to blame
Though humankind shares in the shame.
We spew greenhouse gas
In amounts that surpass
The limit that scientists claim
Will produce a new world without ice.
At first glance that seems very nice.
But as sea level rises
We’ll face some surprises
If we do not heed their advice.
The climate up north will be clammy.
PA will be like Alabammy.
New York and Seattle
And others will battle
To not disappear like Miami.
Flooded Earth