Ducking Controversy

“Sex with a duck” is bound to come up when the Limerick-Off rhyme word is “duck.” But I certainly didn’t expect a Facebook limerick argument over duck sex and animal rights.

Here was my light-hearted response to the dueling limerick writers:

I think sex with a duck would be foolish,
While sex with foie gras would be ghoulish.
With your species, please stick.
All else would be sick.
I’m strict about that, even mulish.

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15 Responses to “Ducking Controversy”

  1. I confess that I don’t see the charm
    Of finding your mate on the farm.
    But I need to point out:
    It’s a *verse* — and I doubt
    Any actual ducks came to harm.

    And in Robert’s particular case,
    You can see what’s about to take place:
    There the silly girl stands
    With the bird in her hands,
    And the guy slams the door in her face.

  2. Abhra says:

    Hi, welcome to OLN. That was an absolutely lovable fun write.

  3. Oh.. WorLd of Life ImaGine..
    if only ducks are Creativity..
    ah.. the life of world supine..
    imagine humans QUACK MOvE
    conNect and cReatE Imagine..:)

  4. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    Delightful read :)

  5. I remember when a Disney duck
    was the Donald, & hey good luck
    on impersonating him from a stump
    now that the Donald is a Trump,
    who has a grand talent to suck.

  6. Wasn’t there a movie about that in the 60’s, Lord Love a Duck?

  7. Bjorn says:

    If you you’re keen to mate with a duck
    It’s likely you will end up stuck
    with feathers and wing
    most likely to sting
    with goslings around you for luck

  8. Tameka M. says:

    I couldn’t help but chuckle reading this. I agree 100% with you! ;-)

  9. Grace says:

    I am smiling when reading this Mads ~ Sorry I can’t offer a limerick, smiles ~

  10. Oy! Such advice! Great fun.

  11. kanzensakura says:

    How funny this is. Several years ago, that blonde guy model, Fabio, was on a rollercoaster that apparently was pretty high up. He was smacked in the face with a flying duck (poor duck died) and a friend of mine telling me about could not stop laughing at Fabio’s bruised nose. He saying, duck duk goose! duck duck goose! Oh my oh my. I am so very glad you visited with this today.

  12. Gayle Walters Rose says:

    Hi Madeleine! Haha…stick to your species…oh man that’s hilarious! I might have to go look up that duck sex thing on FB later.

  13. Marina Sofia says:

    Goodness, gracious, love-a-duckey me!
    Very funny telling-off indeed, I enjoyed your mock serious tone!

  14. Other Mary says:

    Haha -kudos on not using the obvious rhyming obscenity. :o)

  15. Kathy Reed says:

    …not as easy as it looks, your limericks are wonderfully insightful and fun!