Limerick Ode To Bartender Appreciation Day
Happy Bartender Appreciation Day! (first Friday of December)
Limerick Ode To Bartender Appreciation Day
By Madeleine Begun Kane
A fellow walked into a bar
And ordered a “smoked cable car.”
“Outta rum,” barkeep said.
“How’s a sidecar instead?”
It was close but, alas, no cigar.
When you are ailing,
a bartender’s frequently
a stout companion.
UPDATE: February 24 is World Bartender Day.
Tags: Bartender Appreciation Day, Bartender Day, Bartender Humor, Cable Car, December Holidays, Drinking Humor, Drinking Limerick, February Holidays, Liquor Humor, Odd Holidays, Rum, World Bartender Day
Appreciate the bartender
Who understands you, though you slur.
Good advice given out
Along with the great stout.
All top brands so you cannot err.
I know I’m too late for this one, but had this in my collection and worth sharing:
There once was the Bartender Barb
That when you’d come in from the yard
She’d set down your drink
And lead you to think
That life wasn’t so very hard.