Limerick Ode To Bartender Appreciation Day

Happy Bartender Appreciation Day! (first Friday of December)

Limerick Ode To Bartender Appreciation Day
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A fellow walked into a bar
And ordered a “smoked cable car.”
“Outta rum,” barkeep said.
“How’s a sidecar instead?”
It was close but, alas, no cigar.


When you are ailing,
a bartender’s frequently
a stout companion.


UPDATE: February 24 is World Bartender Day.

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2 Responses to “Limerick Ode To Bartender Appreciation Day”

  1. Judith H. Block says:

    Appreciate the bartender
    Who understands you, though you slur.
    Good advice given out
    Along with the great stout.
    All top brands so you cannot err.

  2. Thomas Gorman says:

    I know I’m too late for this one, but had this in my collection and worth sharing:


    There once was the Bartender Barb
    That when you’d come in from the yard
    She’d set down your drink
    And lead you to think
    That life wasn’t so very hard.