Holy Proselytizing (Limerick)

Since I’m a devout agnostic, my response to Writer’s Digest’s latest poetry prompt essentially wrote itself. Here’s the prompt:

For this week’s prompt, take the phrase “Holy (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

And here’s my limerick:

Holy Proselytizing (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Holy proselytizing’s annoying,
Whatever technique you’re employing.
I have one strong belief:
Way too much of our grief
Has been caused by religion-deploying.

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9 Responses to “Holy Proselytizing (Limerick)”

  1. Pearl Ketover Prilik says:

    Amen Sister :)

  2. Sara v says:

    And therein lies the rub-the claim that the end justifies the means, its usually a mean end.

  3. Nessa says:

    Holy Batman, Robin. Is that too much? ;)

  4. brian miller says:

    oh i agree….the religeous have def started their fair share of fights…and then some…

  5. I couldn’t agree more! All we have to do is look throughout history to see no truer words have ever been spoken. Wonderful write!

  6. Very true. And, as always, so well said.

  7. Talon says:

    This was perfection…the minute I saw the prompt, my mind went to a whole different place – lol! I think your take on the prompt was much nicer (and cleaner).