Flashy Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

The best submission will be crowned Limerick Of The Week. (Here’s last week’s Limerick Of The Week Winner.)

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, cleverness, and humor. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, here’s my How To Write A Limerick article.)

I’ll announce the Limerick of the Week Winner right before I post next week’s Limerick-Off. So that gives you a full week to submit your clever, polished verse.

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A man who was known for his flash…*


A gal who was known for her flash…*

*(Minor variations to my first lines are acceptable, but rhyme words may not be altered.)

Here’s my limerick:

Flashy Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A man who was known for his flash
Wore only a violet sash.
He fell into a pool,
Soaked his blue-purple tulle—
Seems his outfit made rather a splash.

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please email Madkane@MadKane.com Subject: MadKane’s Newsletter. Thanks!

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85 Responses to “Flashy Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)”

  1. Rich D says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    was sporting a most nasty gash
    He got in a fight
    sometime late last night
    with someone who called his girl trash

  2. Jesse Levy says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    would always show lots of cash
    He exclaimed, “Oh, bugger!
    I’ve encountered a mugger.”
    He’s lucky the crook didn’t bash

    his brains all out on the ground
    You don’t flash your cash all around
    You’re asking for trouble
    with your sconce turned to rubble.
    Please keep your dough tightly bound.

  3. Sally Franz says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    had bundles and bundles of cash
    But it went up in smoke
    with the last market hoax
    Now the poor boy feels like an ash

  4. Rich D says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    decided to throw a huge bash
    He said with a grin
    as he wiped off his chin,
    “Oops, the wrong limerick!”. Teeth gnash :)

  5. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Preferred to deal only in cash
    When expressing his passion
    In outlandish fashion:
    This led to a most ghastly rash.

  6. Kanchan Bhattacharya says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Reluctantly trimmed his moustache
    He lost the left side
    To piranha, on a boat ride
    Obviously, a case of diaper rash…

  7. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A gal who was known for her flash
    ComPLAINED they should outlaw white trash;
    Told that it described her
    [Muffintop, spikes, faux fur]
    Retorted, Babe, I’ve got panache

    In spades! Aw, admit you’re just jealous
    It’s me who gets most of the fellas.
    Sure, maybe in cars –
    On bridges, in bars –
    But ALL of ’em praise me as zealous.

  8. Rich D says:

    A songbird who once has some flash
    until he flew through “cloud hash”
    found himself trying
    to resume his flying
    but thought it was cooler to crash.

  9. Uhave2laff says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Wanted a wife to sweeten his brash
    He’d waited awhile
    For someone worthwhile
    So he offered Miss Sal big cash.

    All we heard was a very loud crash
    Followed by her shrieking tongue-lash:
    “You try to beguile
    But that takes real style
    And you sir, have no real panache!”

  10. Mark Kane says:

    A man who was known for his flash,
    Bedded strippers he paid for with cash,
    And it seemed for a while,
    He was living in style,
    Until he developed that rash.

  11. Mark Kane says:

    A star who was known for her flash,
    Wore a dress which was barely a sash.
    Displaying her flair,
    While practically bare,
    She showed off her ass with panache.

  12. A gal who was known for her flash
    Used to drive with a certain panache.
    With a wink and a smile
    She would use all her guile
    And just hope she had brought enough cash.

    A man who was known for his flash
    Used to drive with a certain panache.
    With a twinkle in his eye
    He’d perform a drive by
    And then show all the ladies his stash.

  13. A man who was known for his flash
    Had a wife who was terribly brash
    They squandered their savings
    On ‘must haves’ and cravings
    Most of which seemed to end up as trash.

    A gal who was known for her flash
    Had the nickname of ‘Lady Whiplash’.
    From her quiet retreat
    She was very discreet
    But my, did she know how to thrash!

  14. A gal who was known for her flash
    Had a look that could turn men to ash.
    She was quite the Hot Chick
    And her actions were slick
    As she carved up their lives in one slash.

  15. A man who was known for his flash
    On account of his handsome moustache;
    As his wedding day loomed,
    Had his gorgeous ‘tache groomed
    So he could walk down the aisle with panache

  16. brian miller says:

    a man who was known for his flash
    was taken with quite a nasty rash
    kept his coat closed
    so you only see his nose
    until time healed up his stash

  17. Wish I could think these up quickly. Thanks for the visit :) Appreciated.

  18. John Sardo says:

    A gal who was known for her flash
    When she danced at a frat was a smash
    She took off her clothes
    While all the guys rose
    But fellas she said I want cash.

    A man who was known for his flash
    At a party revealed he had cash
    He went for a dame
    Of beauty and fame
    But her beau punched him silly with one smash.

  19. Mike Dailey says:

    A gal who was known for her flash
    Probably did something rash
    Through an open kimona
    this gal just had shown a
    Perfectly trimmed bushtash

  20. Manicddaily says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Sought celebrity parties to crash
    When he saw John Travolta
    He whipped out his Minolta
    And soon ended up with cold cash.

  21. Diane Groothuis says:

    A guy who was known for his flash
    Went out to his pre-Wedding bash
    They took off his suit
    And his undies to boot
    So he hid in the bin with the trash.

  22. Diane Groothuis says:

    That songbird who once had some flash
    And thought it was cooler to crash
    Had all sorts of bling
    Attached to his wing
    Cos bling is much nicer than cash.

  23. Hansi says:

    A guy who was known for his flash
    Found himself without any stash
    A reefer he sought
    For he loved to smoke pot
    But couldn’t score for lack of hard cash

  24. scott says:

    A gal who was known for her flash,
    caused quite a media splash.
    When a small wardrobe slip,
    showed the hair ’round her lip.
    And I ain’t talkin’ bout her moustache.

  25. Veralynne says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Had suddenly run out of cash.
    Once an inveterate party-goer with bravado
    He remained at home, incommunicado,
    ‘Til he remembered his emergency stash.

  26. Veralynne says:

    A gal who was known for her flash
    Came off the mountain and made lots of cash.
    “It costs a lot to look this cheap!”
    “I’ll always love you,” and “Your love I’ll keep”
    Show the class of OUR Queen of White Trash.

  27. Linda Fuller says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    And for acting, at times, somewhat brash
    Threw open his poncho
    To show his head honcho
    Which, thusly unveiled, made a splash.

  28. Craig says:

    Ode to The Man in Black:

    “Despite all the money you flash
    Your Czechoslovakian bash
    Won’t be held here – that’s right,
    Johnny C’s on tonight
    So we won’t accept Czechs, only Cash.”

  29. Craig says:

    On her webcam, her boobs she would flash
    And her viewers would tip her with cash
    But her cam worked the best
    Pointed just at her chest
    And away from her bushy mustache.

  30. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    Craig, your Ode to The Man in Black had me laughing: what a great limerick :^D

  31. Alissa says:

    Bahahaha! You guys are awesome. I love these. Okay here’s mine:

    A man who was known for his flash
    was too quick for the coppers to stash;
    garbed only in skin,
    his big, toothy grin,
    and below a revolting mustache.

  32. Pat Hatt says:

    A man who was known for his flash,
    Did not have much cash.
    He stole for a living,
    Taking and never giving,
    Until one day he ended up on M.A.S.H.

  33. Mike Dailey says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    In a costume of red he did dash
    But this comic book hero
    Touched things and like Nero
    Burned everything down to an ash

  34. Mike Dailey says:

    A woman was known for her flash
    A limerick weekly she’d dash
    Post it on her website
    Every Sunday at night
    Then sit back and watch the whiplash

    Then her readers all quick as a flash
    With her first line did thrash
    To show off their wit
    With their own little bit
    OF poetic limerick mishmash

  35. Mike Dailey says:

    This man was not known for his flash
    But for his love unabash
    At the end of his show
    To the shadows he’d go
    With a Good Night Mrs Calabash

    I hope some of the readers remember this entertainer

  36. Mike Dailey says:

    A guy who was known for his flash
    Into the alley did dash
    But he had to stop
    When he flashed a cop
    and encountered a judge’s backlash

  37. John Larkin says:

    A gal who was known for her flash
    would never wear clothes that could clash.
    She brought what she’d need
    in case she did bleed
    if she happened to be in a crash.

  38. Mark Kane says:

    A man who avoided the flash,
    Made his mark in a ville we call Nash
    With his hit “Boy Named Sue.”
    He wore black, never blue.
    Remember the great Johnny Cash.

  39. Michael Grove says:

    A dude who was known for his flash
    loved waving around lots of cash.
    Then a gal with a smile
    beguiled him awhile
    and took off with most of his stash.

  40. Mark Kane says:

    To block any use of the “Flash”
    Was at first called an edict too rash,
    But the iPhone took flight,
    Based on Steve Job’s insight,
    And now Apple is rolling in cash.

  41. A humble homage to a wonderful character from my all-time favourite TV experience …

    The Corporal known for his flash
    Cross-dressing in colours that clash,
    In that show without sequel
    To which there’s no equal,
    Was Maxwell Q Klinger from M*A*S*H

  42. Edmund Weisberg says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    And, also, alas, for a rash,
    Tried to make amends
    Before countless friends,
    Who preferred that he just offer cash.

  43. patience and the prodigal says:

    Patience says;

    A gal who was known for her flash
    took a fancy to bangers and mash,
    Largesse is her name,
    her size is her fame,
    Only cure is a diet called ‘crash’.

    Prodigal says;

    A guy who was known for his flash
    sported a tie made of cash,
    when the cash became tight,
    strangled him in the night,
    that’ll teach him not to be brash!

  44. Patrick McKeon says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Was impressing the gals with penache
    But could not turn the head
    Of the bored girl who said
    “If you mean it, then show us some cash.”

  45. Linda Fuller says:

    A gal who was known for the flash
    Of her pearly white teeth needed cash
    So she had ‘em all yanked
    The gold fillings she banked
    But now she has nothing to gnash.

  46. A man who was known for his flash
    Had to stop when he got a bad rash.
    His last victim had mace
    And she sprayed, not his face,
    But below that… his junk is now trash.

  47. Granny Smith says:

    A physicist known for her flash
    Is bold, she is brassy and brash.
    The men at the helm
    She MUST overwhelm.
    She loves to find Adams to smash!

  48. Johanna Richmond says:

    It’s not that Mitt doesn’t have flash,
    But it’s tied to his need to abash.
    With his trend to disgruntle
    A lobotomy frontal
    Might be the best use of his cash.

  49. Johanna Richmond says:

    Though the fellow is known for his flash,
    He’s a little bit tight with the cash.
    To keep his wife ready
    For sales, before bed she
    Must practice the forty yard dash.

  50. Johanna Richmond says:

    I’ve notice male athletes don’t flash
    Quite as much nether-regional trash.
    Perhaps wearing more cloth
    Than would fit on a moth
    Is the key to a well-hidden stash.

  51. Linda Fuller says:

    A welterweight fighter, “The Flash”,
    Was oft’ overheard to talk trash
    On any occasion
    That called for persuasion
    Of boxers he set out to thrash.

  52. Bruce Niedt says:

    A hero who’s known as The Flash
    has powers of super-speed dash,
    but alas and alack,
    he’s not great in the sack –
    he gives all his lovers whiplash!

  53. Bruce Niedt says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    with an overcoat, thought he’d be brash
    with a cook, who said, “Hey!
    put that sausage away,
    or I might make it into a hash!”

  54. Bruce Niedt says:

    My father was known for his flash
    selling used cars – a certain panache.
    He’d get folks to thinkin’
    of a late-model Lincoln
    instead of a ’56 Nash.

  55. Sara McNulty says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Invested and lost all his cash
    His Italian Armani’s
    In the Salvation Army
    and abashed he rifles through trash.

    A man who was known for his flash
    In the tabloids, made quite a splash
    When he lit a cigar
    at a swanky wine bar
    It blew up, cov`ring him in ash.

    A woman known for her flash
    Secretly liked to be lashed
    While indulging one day
    With her boyfriend away
    The whip broke and she fell on her ass.

  56. Al Hood says:

    A swimmer known for his flash
    Expected his friend he would he would thrash
    But when it was done
    The other guy won
    Now you can hear his teeth as they gnash.

  57. Al Hood says:

    A swimmer known for his flash
    Expected his friend he would thrash
    But when it was done
    The other guy won
    Now you can hear his teeth as they gnash.

  58. Zelick Mendelovich says:

    Flash Guru
    A guru who was known for her flash
    Fell in love with a man who was brash
    Fold blinded with lust
    She felt that she must
    But she ran when he wanted a lash

  59. Sara McNulty says:

    Craig and Bruce, I am still laughing!

  60. A man who was known for his flash,
    Was inclined to flaunt more than his cash.
    He thought that his gems
    Lay above his pant hems,
    No surprise that it earned him a smash!

    A man who was known for his flash
    Lost his fancy new car in a crash.
    A lesson he learned,
    When his eyebrows were burned
    Now he’s not so inclined to be rash!

    A man who was known for his flash,
    Was so cheap he would dine and then dash.
    His girlfriend of years
    Was embarrassed to tears
    Til she hauled off and gave him a bash!

    A man who was known for his flash
    Went through his allotment of cash.
    Without Daddy’s help,
    The unfortunate whelp
    Is now dining on corned beef and hash.

    Clearly I liked this prompt!

  61. Johanna Richmond says:

    Looks like Romney is merely a flash
    In the pan soon to (kiss my ass) crash;
    After eight years of Bush,
    That obscene talking tush,
    Let’s say “shove it” to GOP trash!

  62. Diane Groothuis says:

    Two film stars wives known for their flash
    Got involved in an unsightly clash
    They got out their claws
    Pulled down each others drawers
    Behaviour no better than trash.

  63. Dr. Goose says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    At celebrity parties he’d crash,
    Was known as a Nazi
    Among paparazzi,
    Whose cameras he’d frequently smash.

  64. Dr. Goose says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    (That’s a miniature memory cache)
    Would take from his pocket
    A doodad and dock it,
    Unleashing a CPU crash.

  65. Dr. Goose says:

    A man who was known for his flash,
    As well as his bling and his cash,
    Displayed a small Rolex
    On each of his bollocks
    And diamonds upon his mustache.

  66. Bob Dvorak says:

    A man who was known for his flash-
    In-the-pan antics tried something brash —
    Braising food in his shed.
    It caught fire; he fled.
    So what’s left? Just a pane in the ash.

  67. Nan Reiner (a/k/a Kitty Ditty) says:

    (Sorry, I’ve been otherwise engaged. Better late than never?)

    A man who was known for his flash
    Went to dunk with a spin and a crash,
    But he went down in flame
    In the championship game
    When he tripped and fell flat on his ash.

  68. Nan Reiner (a/k/a Kitty Ditty) says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Told the Queen, “Ma’am, please don’t think me rash,
    But they’ll be in a tizzy
    If Jumping Queen Lizzie
    Would open the Games with panache.”

  69. Edmund Conti says:

    A gal who was known for her flash
    Had a husband she needed to bash.
    “You want me, I’m here.
    First, finish your beer
    And when you’re done take out the trash.”

  70. Nan Reiner (a/k/a Kitty Ditty) says:

    (This one’s technically for DC’s Hizzoner Downtown Kwame Brown, but feel free to tweak it for the public felon of your choice.)

    A pol who was known for his flash
    Tricked his cars out with first-class panache.
    He could strut and act fine
    ‘Til he had to resign
    When exposed with too much hand on cash.

  71. Edmund Conti says:

    A gal who was known for her flash
    Was pretty, well built and had cash.
    While this is all true
    She’s also a shrew.
    Oh where is that darned chichevache!?

  72. Nan Reiner (a/k/a Kitty Ditty) says:

    (An Ode to the Bawdy Bard of Baltimore:)

    A man who was known for his flash
    Cast himself in his musical smash.
    His homage to Hitchcock
    Came off without glitch. Cock
    Implied. Sparkling Waters? A dash.

  73. A photographer used a strong flash
    That his subject at first thought too brash.
    But the guy—dermatitic—
    Was pleased, not a critic,
    Upon seeing it cleared up his rash.

  74. Edmund Conti says:

    A poet was known for her flash
    By ending each line with a dash–
    Just master that trick
    And like Emily Dick–
    You’ll be famous without any cash.

  75. Nan Reiner (a/k/a Kitty Ditty) says:

    (The Jackson Jive:)

    A gal who was known for her flash
    Pulled a stunt that was bound to abash.
    “’Twas a wardrobe malfunction,”
    She cooed with some unction,
    Then winked as she raked in the cash.

  76. Jamie Hutchinson says:

    A plumber bent over to flash
    A new joint so the flow wouldn’t splash …
    O Chasm! Crevasse!
    O Unholy Ass!
    O Cleavage! O Stygian Gash!

  77. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    The Red Flash

    A short bottle-blonde known to flash
    Her tiny red panties (no sash):
    Eye contact, sashay,
    Skirt, Hike! “Big Boy, hey –
    I’m drivin’ if you’ve got the cash.”

    Well, Jimmy was broke but had nerves.
    Assessing her legs, hair, tight curves,
    In lust he pulled over,
    “Hop in there, Red Rover!
    You’re dinner: I’ll treat to hors d’oeuvres.”

    She hoisted her raincoat, jumped in.
    Eyes followed, then many a grin;
    ‘Nother “date” for Lenore,
    Sure, a whore, but no bore;
    Jimmy smiled: ah, a night of win-win.

    He took her to Mickey’s nearby;
    Once seated, caught barkeep Tom’s eye:
    “You’ll pay for the sight
    Of this sweet thing tonight.
    At ten, be in back, you’ll see why!”

    She strolled to the restroom at ten
    At Jimmy’s strong urging, and then
    Heard Tom’s pent-up sigh
    And the zip of his fly:
    “No freebies for YOU!” (“Come again?”)

    A quick, slick, yet thorough transaction
    Left Tom with a miniscule fraction
    Of paycheck: “You’re lucky!
    I could’ve been sucky
    But outside’s the night’s main attraction.”

    Smug Jimmy sat waiting, alert,
    Some pocket cash sure couldn’t hurt.
    Tom wandered out, dazed,
    Lenore didn’t seem fazed –
    She sauntered toward Jimmy, up! skirt

    Of her raincoat: that flash of bright red
    Went, as she’d planned, straight to his head…
    “Babe, that hole in the wall
    Where you look in the stall?
    Tom paid cash: how will you pay instead?”

    Jimmy blushed, crotch and brain both afire;
    Broke and horny, revealed as a liar.
    Blurted out, “I’ll wash dishes!”
    She smirked: “I’ll be vicious:
    You can clean the whole place, change my tire.

    If there’s anything left of you then,
    We can start up all over again.”
    Jerked him up, they walked out.
    …Lenore bent o’er the grout…
    Jimmy’s scrubbing until she says when.

  78. Tim James says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Chose a park for his disrobe-and-dash.
    But he tripped and he stumbled,
    And in poison oak tumbled.
    The result, like his action, was rash.

  79. A librarian, typing ‘Fiction (Flash)’
    ‘Stories (Short), ‘Desk (Issue)’, ‘Fine (Cash)’.
    Screamed, “This stuff gets me down!
    “Should be ‘Adjective, Noun’?!
    “I quit!”… she left Wednesday (Ash).

  80. Johanna Richmond says:

    A madam well known for her flash
    Cut her price to a dollar per lash,
    But it flopped – business waned:
    Masochistics complained —
    How’s a prick to feel pain with that slash?

  81. Daniel Ari says:

    A gal who was known for her flash
    Had sex with a rapper for cash.
    With the video clips
    She planned to out-strip
    Both Kims: Cattrall and Kardash.

  82. colonialist says:

    I’ve been storing this while my internet was down. I hope it hasn’t gone off like the internet … *sniff, sniff*

    A man who was known for his flash
    With raincoat cast wide cut a dash,
    Though most thought him silly
    Exposing his willy,
    Some girls would reward him with cash.

  83. In Defence of The Humble Straggler …
    “ALL STRAGGLERS IN!” comes the flash,
    As we slave under threat of the lash!
    But late ones – let’s credit it –
    Should at least be well edited,
    Being not just knocked off at a dash. ;)

  84. Mark Megson says:

    A man who was known for his flash
    Was responsible for lots of whiplash
    Just one little smile
    Could light up a mile
    Of road, causing each car to crash

  85. madkane says:

    Thanks everyone for your fun limericks! This Limerick-Off is officially over. And the winner is…

    Congratulations to the Limerick of the Week Winner, the Facebook Friends’ Choice Award Winners, and the Honorable Mention Winners! Limerick of the Week 73

    But don’t worry. You can still have lots of limerick fun, because a new Limerick-Off has just begun: Limerick Mistake.