Tone Deaf Limerick

Tone Deaf Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A woman who crooned out of key
Did it loudly with pleasure and glee.
She believed she sang well,
Like a beautiful bell.
But “please stop,” was the usual plea.

(For Think Tank Thursday’s “key.”)

You can find much of my music humor here.

Note: Have you entered this week’s Limerick-Off? There’s always one to participate in 24/7.

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12 Responses to “Tone Deaf Limerick”

  1. Kim Nelson says:

    Were you outside my shower door this morning? ;-)

  2. lolamouse says:

    This poor woman sounds too much like me!

  3. Adura Ojo says:

    Quite a few people out there fancy exercising their pipes much to the consternation of those around them. Your poem portrays that scene brilliantly.

  4. brian miller says:

    haha and we can only hope that she does…smiles.

  5. De Jackson says:

    Love this, Mad! Great take on the prompt! :)

  6. RJ Clarken says:

    When e’er she did recitative,
    everyone said it was their pet peeve.
    But her arias? Worse.
    When she sang, all would curse.
    From her ‘talent’ there was no reprieve.

  7. Sounds like some of the singers I hear on karaoke night!

  8. David King says:

    Not a plea you are likely to hear!

  9. patience and the prodigal says:

    A woman who crooned out of key
    Said there’s Do and then Ray and then Me,
    I must meet Tee and Law
    To complete the jigsaw
    then my octave wont be all at sea.

  10. zongrik says:

    i’m a trained opera singer, and i can’t stand listening to our of key singing, my ear is too sensitive!! jut reading this makes me grimace!!! YIKES

    alive on subway senryu

  11. madkane says:

    LOL! Thanks so much for your fun comments!