Slippery Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

The best submission will be crowned Limerick Of The Week. (Here’s last week’s Limerick Of The Week Winner plus the Honorable Mentions.)

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, and cleverness. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, you can find some helpful resources listed here.)

I’ll announce the Limerick of the Week Winner right before I post next week’s Limerick-Off. So that gives you a full week to submit your clever, polished verse.

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A fellow who just let it slip…


A woman who just let it slip…

Here’s mine:

Slippery Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A fellow who just let it slip
That his wife got a tuck and a nip
Threw their marriage off course
And was sued for divorce.
Maybe next time he’ll zip up his lip.

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please send me an email requesting the alerts. You’ll find my email address on the upper right sidebar, in the “Author” section just below my Limerick-Offs button. Thanks!

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54 Responses to “Slippery Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)”

  1. haha yes – maybe he should indeed zip up his lip next time..or just try to say it nicely..smiles

  2. Rinkly Rimes says:

    A woman who just let it slip
    That she didn’t give waiters a tip,
    Got a hot coffee (large)
    Down her decolletage
    And was crowned by a great big egg-flip!

    Thanks for the weekly prompt.

  3. David says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    that his wife liked to play with a whip
    was pestered by mates
    in the hope of cut rates –
    and the chance that she might let it rip.

  4. hansi says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    Felt it in his crotch and then down his hip
    He knew from the start
    It would be a nasty fart
    But said “what the hell, I’m gonna let it rip.”

  5. kaykuala says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    He was making out on the last trip
    His live-in got to know
    And sadly to his horror
    She left in a jiffy without batting an eyelid


  6. Johanna Richmond says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That his girlfriend had just let one rip
    At a debutante ball
    Took a terrible fall;
    No one’s fault — he just happened to trip.

  7. Pat Hatt says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That his wife had a manly grip
    Was whacked in the head
    And is no longer fed
    She also carries a big whip

  8. Thom says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    About his wife that wasn’t a drip
    She wore four inch pumps
    And gave him daily humps
    Hardly anyone knew his name was Kip

  9. Karin says:

    A woman who just let “it” slip
    In her mouth goes the blind date’s “cleft lip”
    He’s got mask for disguise
    She was caught by surprise
    As she opens her eyes with de-masked gyp

  10. Andy says:

    Hello. Happy Sunday!
    lol…that’s some expensive slip!
    double lol…David, hansi, Thom & Karin!

    Nice one Mad Kane & everyone else!
    Thanks for sharing & visiting.

    The Beautiful Winds Of India

  11. A fellow who just let it slip
    Said, “I know a quite prominent vip!”
    But his friend said, “You see,
    “It’s pronounced V-I-P,
    “You really should just get a grip!”

  12. Johanna Richmond says:

    A woman who just let it slip
    That her husband’s tool still had its tip
    Got an eye for an eye
    With her husband’s reply:
    “And my wife has huge balls!” was his quip.

  13. A fellow who just let it slip
    That he liked nothing more than to strip
    Was arrested one day
    With his parts on display
    When he failed to remember his zip

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That his marriage was merely a blip
    Had to run for his life
    From his long-suffering wife
    Who was wielding a broom and whip

  14. earlybird says:

    Excellent, Mad! Love it.

    Will think on’t…

  15. Mark Kane says:

    A fellow had just let it slip
    Of how he enjoyed her tight grip:
    At each stern behest,
    She’d fill his request,
    Or suffer the blows of the whip.

  16. Mark Kane says:

    A woman had just let it slip
    Off her shoulder and down past her hip.
    With far less to hide,
    Could she safely confide
    How much pleasure she got from the strip?

  17. Mark Kane says:

    A woman had just let it slip,
    That old but reliable tip:
    To properly tease,
    You must drop to your knees,
    And graze his best parts with your lip.

  18. Christopher says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    that a face had appeared on his chip,
    and to much his surprise
    it was Christ with sad eyes,
    half-buried in a can of bean dip!

  19. Kathleen Cole says:

    A woman who just let it slip
    That she’d had an insider tip
    But quickly retracted
    To find they’d reacted
    Taught crafts in prison. Now isn’t that hip?

  20. shammi says:

    A woman who just let it slip
    That she was going on a trip
    To the Aloha state
    With another woman’s mate
    Soon found her friends had all jumped ship.

  21. Happy Halloween!
    love your limericks, keep sharing.

  22. Elisa says:

    A woman who just let it slip
    that she wasn’t born with a hip
    she wasn’t humane
    she was just insane
    because Halloween made her flip

  23. Patrick says:


    A speeder who just let it slip
    that he’d taken much more than a nip
    was given a test
    and is under arrest
    in a place that no-one can skip.

  24. Matt Monitto says:

    A woman who just let it slip
    That she teased a young man with a strip
    Was soon fired from Uno.
    Now she’s sobbing, “Don’t you know,
    I should have said ‘No’ to the tip.”

  25. daisy mae simon says:

    A fellow who let his pants slip
    Way down past the joints of his hips
    Shows his wise cracking butt
    Barely covers his nuts
    One good belt for a lunar eclipse.

  26. daisy mae simon says:

    Mad, sorry- I made a change, and I can’t erase the top post- I think the last line is clearer in this one:

    A fellow who let his pants slip
    Way down past the joints of his hips
    Shows his wise cracking butt
    Barely covers his nuts
    Needs a belt for a lunar eclipse.

  27. A woman had just let it slip
    That the Tea Party smells like sheep dip
    Now Sarah is pissed
    and she’s on Perry’s list,
    Marcus Bachmann is ready to flip (his hair into a lovely ‘do)

  28. Mark Megson says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That he carried a large leather whip
    Caused the ladies to swoon
    In his lecture room
    “It’s not the years honey” Indy quipped

  29. brian says:

    a fellow who just let it slip
    he was out to the river to dip
    kids came along
    his clothes were all gone
    and all he could do was drip

  30. Natasha says:

    a fellow who just let it slip
    out of his very loose lip
    he spoke way too fast
    for the moment to last
    and soon too did the truth start to drip

  31. laurie kolp says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    that his balls could sink any ship
    got the chance to prove
    with an earthquake move
    and now his dolls rule the trip.

  32. J Sardo says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That he took a cold skinny dip
    With a girl who was eager
    But laughed at his meager
    Sad little leaguer that fit on a microchip.

  33. william says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    His desire as he began to strip.
    She looked up and said,
    “One more move and you’re dead.”
    Surprised he then asked, “Just the tip?”

  34. David McCormick says:

    A fellow who just let it slip,
    When stopped, that he drove a spaceship,
    Spent the night behind bars
    Touring Venus and Mars;
    Next day, back to Earth from his “trip”.

  35. Chris G. says:

    There’s a lot of people that could just stand to do a little zipping there… Another fun limerick!

  36. Bruce Niedt says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    at the urinal, caused quite a drip.
    No one noticed the mess –
    they looked on in distress,
    for it was as long as a whip!

  37. Bruce Niedt says:

    A fellow who just let it slip –
    “I’m the captain on this ocean trip!” –
    caught the ear of a minx,
    so that if the boat sinks,
    you might say she’ll go down with the ship!

  38. Eugene Marshall says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    “Hey you, from the Africa trip”
    Your C.I. wife’s name
    Is Valerie Plame
    Enjoy your new state, town, and zip

  39. Patricia says:

    Man Overboard

    a fellow had just let it slip
    his plans for an overnight trip
    with a gal twenty one
    they had way to much fun
    his rich wife now grieves aboard ship

  40. J Sardo says:

    A woman who just let it slip
    Of affairs at a double time clip
    After a very long night
    Spent in utter delight
    Exclaimed I really don’t give a flip.

  41. Robert Schechter says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That the moyel took too big a snip,
    Said, “Now my son Earl
    Is my dear daughter, Pearl.
    That does it! The man blew his tip.”

    A fellow who just let it slip
    Said, “I just couldn’t get a good grip.
    My zipper got stuck
    And I tried with no luck
    To maneuver it out by the tip.”

    A woman who just let it slip
    That she carried a gun at her hip
    Lay down on a bolster
    And rolled on her holster.
    Now she’s an historical blip.

    A woman who just let it slip
    That foreplay for her meant a whip,
    Said, “Dear, it’s the latest.
    Real men need a sadist.
    Now grovel, you Gladys Knight Pip!”

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That he once was beamed up to a ship
    Reported an alien
    (Ugly and scaley ‘n
    Mean-looking) made him unzip.

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That spies had implanted a chip
    Within his brain’s id,
    Said, “It’s that, or my lid
    May have recently suffered a flip.”

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That he feared for his crew and his ship
    Said, “Fool! Don’t you know
    There’s more iceberg below?
    Do you think that the whole thing’s a tip?”

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That he had at best but a thin grip
    On reality said,
    “It’s because in my head
    They’ve implanted a non-Intel chip.”

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That his widely-loved vegetable dip
    Was laden with lard
    Was thereupon scarred
    By a shocked vegetarian’s whip.

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That the fart we heard someone let rip
    Which he claimed was his brother’s
    Was his and no other’s,
    Said, “Must be the beans in the dip.”

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That he merely intended a quip
    When he dropped to his knees
    And said, “Marry me, please,”
    Has returned from his honeymoon trip.

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That he hates it when folks double-dip
    Said, “Why not be nice?
    If you have to dip twice,
    For goodness sake, use a fresh chip!”

  42. Mark Kane says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    That he loved a good crack of the whip.
    From gals in high heels,
    Who were open to deals,
    Which they’d strike after giving him lip.

  43. Johanna Richmond says:

    A woman who just let it slip
    (Well, let’s face it, the crone let it rip)
    Spewed out curse after curse
    In a stream hardly terse,
    Clearly heard in the neighboring zip.

    And to what do we owe this display?
    She was found tipping back Tanqueray,
    But the old woman swore,
    “I don’t cuss like no whore
    All that squawkin’s my African gray.”

  44. Dr. Goose says:

    A fellow who just let it slip,
    ‘Round the office, that he used to strip,
    Found the int’rest he piqued
    Wasn’t that of Monique,
    But of Bruce, Alejandro and Chip.

  45. Shashi says:

    As the rain drop, tipper tapper and tips
    A cry and sigh slips
    From her soft, warm and wet lips
    From the tall tree, sensuous drops drips
    On the bed of earth, night falls and trips


  46. A fellow who just let it slip
    That certain appendages drip
    He went off half cocked
    Now he’s truly shocked
    That no one considers him hip

  47. RJ Clarken says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    he was going away on a trip
    came home to find out
    he’d been robbed. Without doubt
    all was gone, all except a q-tip.

  48. RJ Clarken says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    that he ‘borrowed’ some funds from township
    school and pub works
    ‘cause he wanted more perks
    found himself in a cell with a Crip.

  49. RJ Clarken says:

    A fellow who just let it slip
    that he falsely had claimed authorship
    of his tale of a life
    full of drugs, booze and strife
    was dishonored by Oprah. Snip, snip!

  50. Veralynne says:

    A fellow had not let it slip
    He’d been on a junket, a quick gamblin’ trip
    He was hungover all day
    And he sure looked that way!
    Hair of the dog–he kept taking a nip.

    The boss thought that he had the flu
    Why not? It’s happened to you!
    But the brown-nose tattled
    Our boy became rattled
    Deciding he’d better tell it true.

    The boss had a giggle at that,
    And, smiling like a Cheshire cat,
    Said, “Son, you know what I think?
    The two of us should go get a drink.”
    So he went for his coat and his hat.

  51. A woman who just let it slip
    Regretting giving so much lip
    So she shut her sorry trap
    Stopped creating so much flap
    And found herself getting a grip.

  52. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for your kind comments and fun limericks! This Limerick-Off is officially over. (I’ve posted the latest Limerick of the Week and the new Limerick-Off a bit early because on Sunday I’ll have minimal Internet access, if any.)

    So, who won? You can find the Limerick of the Week and the Honorable Mentions listed here: Limerick of the Week 34.

    And a new Limerick-Off has already begun: World-Wide Limerick.