Amusing Verse … I Hope

One of my favorite poetry prompt sites, One Single Impression, has asked its poet-participants to propose word prompts for upcoming editions. I suggested the word “amuse,” which will be used next week, starting September 25th. Here’s a limerick and haiku I wrote for the occasion:

Amusing Verse … I Hope
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I try to amuse when I write,
In my quest to pen verse that has bite.
But sometimes my muse
Lets me down. Yes j’accuse!
I suspect that it does it for spite.


Poetry prompt sites
inspire, amuse, bring friends,
awaken muses.


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7 Responses to “Amusing Verse … I Hope”

  1. pamelasayers says:

    I like both of these, Mad.


  2. madkane says:

    Thanks Pamela!

  3. Jim says:

    Thank you Madeleine (spelled it correctily this time!).
    Your verses amused me as per my definition, if I leave with a smile on my face, I’m amused. :)

    I hope you will be amused with mine also. It won’t be up until Midnight CDT tomorrow night. Could be later.

  4. That’s a great one. Thanks for this prompt and your own great response to it.

  5. Geraldine says:

    amusing indeed. thanks Madeleine for the smiles and a very positive prompt this week.

    Mr. Cheddar makes me smile too. :)

  6. madkane says:

    Thanks very much everyone for your kind comments.