Fiery Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

The best submission will be crowned Limerick Of The Week. (Here’s last week’s Limerick Of The Week Winner plus the Honorable Mentions.)

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, and cleverness. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, you can find some helpful resources listed here.)

I’ll announce the Limerick of the Week Winner right before I post next week’s Limerick-Off. So that gives you a full week to submit your clever, polished verse.

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A fellow was playing with fire…


A woman was playing with fire…

Here’s mine:

Fiery Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A fellow was playing with fire
When he called his new boss a big liar.
But he still has his job
Cuz his boss — call him Bob —
Was caught lying and forced to retire.

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please send me an email requesting the alerts. You’ll find my email address on the upper right sidebar, in the “Author” section just below my Limerick-Offs button. Thanks!

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68 Responses to “Fiery Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)”

  1. Rinkly Rimes says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    In the back row of Saint Matthew’s choir.
    As he drew Maisie closer
    She said ‘No no no sir!
    I can’t cope with too much desire!’

  2. Deborah says:

    I loved this … limericks always make me smile! :o)

  3. brian says:

    whew…he got saved in the nic of time eh? smiles.

    a fellow was playing with fire
    passing around his fleshly spire
    caught with his pants down
    all a-hugging the ground
    to public office he could no longer aspire

  4. Kay Salady says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    And to soothe his burning desire
    He then drove up to Queens
    To the girl of his dreams
    The detective was wearing a wire

    His wife made it quite clear
    She’d heard from the mike in the rear
    That he’d paid for sex
    From the girl in the specs
    As she clubbed him hard in the ear

    The money that he thought to gain
    Was gone and she made it quite plain
    So she kicked him with force
    As she spelled out divorce
    Finally, she’d grown a brain

  5. hansi says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    When he fell for a gal playing a lyre
    Ulysses was his name
    The Sirens were his game
    And they filled him with wanton desire

  6. Bodhirose says:

    Hehe… I enjoyed your limerick, Madeleine–cute!

    A fellow was playing with fire
    And created an enormous bonfire
    The inferno blazed
    Making the fire chief so crazed
    He bought his ex-wife a sapphire!

    Fire Bug

  7. Pat Hatt says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    When attempting to comment on his wife’s attire
    For she looked really fat
    But he couldn’t say that
    So he decided to be a little white liar

  8. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A woman was playing with fire:
    She confronted her boss, a huge liar.
    “Bob, I’ve asked for the raise
    I deserve (please amaze
    Me!), or else let’s just say I’m for hire.

    The bank statements show you have money,
    And your pricey new wife? She’s a honey…”
    Bob leaned in: “Jen, you’re fired;
    I’ll make sure you’re not hired!”
    That’s when Jen from her purse pulled her gun – eee.

    Bob backed off: “Jen, calm down, I was playing!
    So just tell me you’ll really be staying?”
    She put one in his lamp,
    He ducked low (pants now damp).
    “You big liar, I’m sick of your braying!”

    Jen strode out, tossing over her shoulder,
    “I won’t stay one more day! Hope you’ve told her
    About Rae, or I might;
    So you’d best treat me right.
    Each of us, fools, believed what you’d sold her…”

  9. Linkmeister says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    When he said “You’re my heart’s desire!”
    To a miss unreceptive
    Who said “You’re deceptive
    and you’ve long been a serial liar!”

  10. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    At night with a bloated old tire.
    He first lit a match,
    But paused then to scratch ~
    The ramifications were dire.

  11. A woman was playing with fire
    When she didn’t take care of her dryer
    The lint trap was loaded
    The dryer exploded
    Now she wears only dripping attire…

  12. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A woman was playing with fire;
    She sat on his lap and said, “Sire,
    I know I’ve been brazen:
    Rise to the occasion!”
    He did, thankful she wasn’t shyer.

  13. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A woman was playing with fire ~
    She knighted a lusty young squire,
    Who climbed to her bower
    And there in the tower,
    Encouraged, he took her much higher.

  14. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A fellow was playing with fire.
    He absently thought to inquire,
    Dear, have you gained weight?
    ~ The slam of the plate
    Meant silence was all she’d require.

  15. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A fellow was playing with fire,
    His chief sent him 20 floors higher:
    “My hero, you’re here!
    Can I buy you a beer?”
    They escaped via tire on a wire.

  16. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A woman was playing with fire,
    Allowing a stranger to ply ‘er
    With way too much liquor.
    Yep, far gone, her “picker” –
    Much later they’d find and untie her.

  17. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    As, dancing, he spun on a wire;
    Lost his balance and fell.
    The clowns shrugged: “Oh, well;
    It’s a circus here! Who’s the new hire?”

  18. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A fellow was playing with fire;
    He slowly began to perspire
    At the thought of extorting
    More blow. He’d been snorting
    Since daybreak, and crawled in the dryer

    Where, witless, his buddy pressed On –
    The two of them used up, far gone.
    He tumbled and spun
    ‘Til the panel read Done.
    Bleary-eyed, he emerged, dry at dawn.

  19. A fellow was playing with fire
    As he sat in the midst of the choir
    He lit up their robes
    And they jumped to their toes
    As their voices got higher and higher

  20. deathsweep says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    by giving in to his desire
    He stripped off his drawers
    while in the outdoors
    and streaked in pale wrinkled attire.

  21. A fellow liked playing with fire
    aroused a fire-fighter’s ire:
    he got out his hose
    as the pressure rose
    turned arsonist into a flier.

  22. Jesse Levy says:

    A woman was playing with fire
    by raising her young husband’s ire
    She’d flirt with a guy
    who was just stopping by
    The whole thing’s become quite a mire.

    (This limerick is dedicated to August Strindberg who wrote Playing With Fire, one of my favorite plays of his).

  23. Mama Zen says:

    Was Bob a politician, by any chance?

  24. scott says:

    A fellow was playing with fire,
    and displaying a burning desire,
    to keep bringin’ the heat,
    for the boss of E Street.
    Now he plays for the Boss a bit higher.

  25. scott says:

    A fellow was playing with fire,
    he hoped a romance would transpire.
    But his interest said “No!”
    “I won’t go there, Frodo.”
    Sam wishes he’d stayed in the Shire.

  26. Brion Emde says:

    A woman was playing with fire
    When driving with threadbare old tires
    Her car made a quick swerve
    And she showed some great verve
    She avoided a dunk in the mire

  27. Meredith McMinn says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    Making love in the shade of a briar.
    Yes, his problem was thorny:
    Pricks did not make her horny—
    But how else could he hide his spare tire?

  28. SandyCarlson says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    When he riled his wife’s ire
    Saying she was tubby but cute
    And he sure liked her big boot….
    Now we’re building his funeral pyre.

  29. Matty says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    by climbing a ladder much higher
    he reached for the side
    which caused both feet to slide
    now his cast is held up by a wire

  30. A fellow was playing with fire
    He fumbled as flames went higher
    He used fraud to cloak
    The blaze and the smoke
    And now he’s known as a liar

  31. Shubd says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    When he irked this lady’s ire.
    As he passionately kissed her hand
    By the French Riviera bandstand
    To declare “It’s only your money that I desire” !

  32. dasuntoucha says:

    This was fun…there’s a lot of great responses :-D

    A fellow was playing with fire
    he put it to his lips to get higher
    the burn seared his nose
    then engulfed all his clothes
    now he’s a naked town crier

  33. Kakoli Deb says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    But had eyes on the gal in skimpy attire
    Missed the beat
    Flamed the seat
    Now blaming on the faulty wire

  34. ArunChaturvedi says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    Stoking the passion of desire
    The lesson he learned
    When he did get burned
    Never play with organ of a choir

  35. madkane says:

    Thanks everyone for your kind words and fun limericks. And please keep them coming … the limericks, I mean. :)

  36. A woman was playing with fire
    When she asked dear Jesus why are
    You not healing here
    Though we are in Tyre
    And our tribes do not conspire

  37. A fellow was playing with fire
    When he thought that he would try ‘er
    Though he was a gent
    His money she spent
    And now he’ll never retire

  38. Shammi says:

    A somewhat feeble one this time…

    A fellow was playing with fire
    When he called his wife a liar.
    She sulked, shouted, saw red,
    Banned him from the marital bed,
    Making him realise the extent of her ire.

  39. earlybird says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    (to think of it made him perspire);
    he’d started to see
    a young man called Lee
    who liked to wear ladies’ attire.

  40. dustus says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    Seeing a woman his heart most admired
    They made love many weeks
    Busted nut and his shrink—
    Until his insurance expired

  41. Altonian says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    As he sat and plucked at his lyre
    When Rome burned to the ground
    Nero cried ‘I’ll be bound -as an
    arsonist I’m quite a trier’

  42. Altonian says:

    A woman was playing with fire
    When she tried to climb up even higher
    A foot-slip by Blanche caused a big avalanche
    That’s when she took off on a ‘flier’

  43. Ana says:

    Thank you. This made my Monday, so here is mine:

    A woman was playing with fire
    she took him on a whim, her desire.
    She did not thought-
    he’d cut their affair short
    and now she’s alone with her ire.

  44. Mike Patrick says:

    This is my first real attempt at a limerick. Be gentle with me.

    by Mike Patrick

    A woman was playing with fire.
    She kept her boyfriend hot by the hour,
    until he went wild,
    and now she’s with child.
    She’s facing an outlook so dire.

    by Mike Patrick

    A fellow was playing with fire
    while camping out in the brier.
    The wind started to blow
    and what do you know?
    His tent’s turned into a pyre.

  45. Jingle says:

    six lines, well done.

  46. Johanna Richmond says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    Insulting the guy on the lyre;
    When that guy is Apollo,
    Best shut up and follow
    Or donkey ears you shall acquire.

  47. LBTL says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    Burnt his home, raising much ire
    So careless and clumsy
    Now homeless and lonely
    Poor old sap, his case, so dire

    L. 06/27/11 2039

    I hope I am improving :) let me know and thank you for the visit :)

  48. J Sardo says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    Could fall into circumstances dire
    He risked his life
    Cheating on his wife
    And knew he was treading tightwire.

  49. Dr. Goose says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    In transferring money by wire
    In hundreds of G’s
    To a bank in Belize,
    Where he secretly hoped to retire.

  50. madkane says:

    Fun limericks, everyone. Please keep them coming. The week is young. :)

  51. A fellow was playing with fire
    When he hitched up his kilt a bit higher
    As he twirled an’ he whirled
    His kilt got (oops!) unfurled
    Setting lasses afire with desire!

  52. Altonian says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    When asked to milk cows in the byre
    He gave a great pull
    ’twas no cow but a bull
    That’s how you end up in the mire

  53. Altonian says:

    A woman was playing with fire
    when she thought she was all men’s desire
    She tried vamping one day
    with a man who was gay
    It was easy for him to deny her

  54. Veralynne Pepper says:

    A woman was playing with fire
    Thinking only she could pique men’s desire
    Silly girl, doesn’t she see?
    They’ll chase you, them and me…
    From their game they never retire!

    I hear that there’s quite a commotion
    In nursing homes from ocean to ocean
    After lights-out, in the gloom
    They tip-toe from room to room.
    Fraternization is the homes’ best promotion!

    So, don’t flatter yourself, girl
    If some guy wants give you a whirl
    It’s not you, it’s his being
    It lasts longer than seeing
    Let it be what it is–spin and twirl!

  55. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A fellow was playing with fire.
    Carefree and a real blue sky-er,
    He’d informed on the Mob
    So was given the job
    Of – now gloomier -wearing a wire.

  56. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A fellow was playing with fire;
    His wife called him out as a liar.
    He’d floozied and damed,
    Then the nine kids he’d named
    Came to visit in matching attire.

  57. Bruce Niedt says:

    A fellow was playing with fire,
    pyrotechnics his rock band required.
    But he lit the wrong fuse,
    and it caught on his shoes –
    now he’s in a celestial choir.

  58. Johanna Richmond says:

    A woman was playing with fire
    When she sought to rekindle desire;
    Though she turned up the heat
    Sex was strictly dutch treat;
    Seems her man didn’t like to perspire.

  59. A.B. thomas says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    to which in turn did he have an inspire
    but as the building was burnt
    and he thought about what he had learnt
    inside never build a viking funeral pyre

  60. Madeleine says:

    Grizzly belated one from me :O)

    A woman was playing with fire
    When her foot was then caught in a tyre
    She screamed for some help
    Though none heard her yelp
    As her body became flame and then pyre

  61. Granny Smith says:

    A fellow was playing with fire,
    Bought the dragon he’d wished to acquire.
    He named his pet “Flame”
    And thought she was tame
    ‘Til her breath burned his building entire.

  62. Johanna Richmond says:

    Some fellows are playing with fire
    Not allowing the debt ceiling higher:
    Their plan? Screw Obama,
    Inflict widespread trauma —
    You don’t believe me? Ask the crier.

  63. Another masterful limerick! Wonderful

  64. Mrs4444 says:

    A woman was playing with fire
    (of Tiddleywinks, she would soon tire)
    Sadly, she slipped
    the matches, they flipped
    A hairbrush is no longer required.

    haha That was fun.

  65. scott says:

    Johanna- that was great!!

  66. Johanna Richmond says:

    Thanks, Scott:)

  67. Johanna Richmond says:

    A fellow was playing with fire
    When he called his old lady a liar,
    Cause hell hath no fury
    Like a wife judge and jury;
    Appeal options? Aint no court higher.

  68. madkane says:

    Thanks again everyone for your delightful limericks. This Limerick-Off is officially over, and you can find out who won here: Limerick of the Week 16.

    But you can still have lots of limerick fun with a new Limerick-Off challenge here.