Unstuck (Limerick)

Unstuck (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Whenever I feel like I’m stuck —
Like I’m trapped in a rut or in muck,
I attempt something new.
(What else can you do?)
And sometimes that changes my luck.

(Inspired by Big Tent Poetry’s stuck prompt.)

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32 Responses to “Unstuck (Limerick)”

  1. Love the wry comment in the last line! No guarantees attached to luck!

  2. Nanka says:

    Wow!! must try that something new!! Right now my luck is in the muck, stuck!! :D

  3. Lisa says:

    Lovely Ms. Madeleine

  4. Love this, Madeleine! Sounds a little like the story of my life lately…LOL! Well done…

    Imagination Lane

  5. Tammie says:

    fun and wise advice

  6. nice theme thursday and Slàinte

  7. Olivia says:

    It does Maddie! It often does.. :)
    Very well written- one of the finest limericks I have read ever..

    Wishing you all the Luck xoxox

  8. christine says:

    Change of scenery always does the spirit good. Good advice.

  9. Great way to celebrate TT & St. Paddy’s.

  10. madkane says:

    Thanks so much, everyone. I appreciate your enthusiasm!

  11. Exactly! I subacribe to that philosophy.

  12. Ankit says:

    Nice Post. Deeds do modify luck.

    God Bless

  13. Judy Roney says:

    This is a good reminder of how luck changes if you change things. :)


  14. Laurie Kolp says:

    Great advice in witty verse!

  15. mark says:

    Clever…and quite true

  16. Jingle says:

    simply put, yet loved your wit in it.
    well done entry.

    Here is My Entry, Thanks for reading!

  17. thingy says:

    Indeed. I’m going to use a new word, here… Wowzers!

  18. pamela says:

    I’d say that is exactly what to do, Madeleine. Clever piece.


  19. Nimue says:

    bingo !! right on Lady !!

  20. versebender says:

    Good job. Especially like the use of parenthetical aside in fourth line. Vb

  21. Meryl Jaffe says:

    LOL!!! Thanks yet again, for the smile. I love your humor.


  22. Mike Patrick says:

    Who knew? The power of a limerick.

  23. Cathy says:

    Funny but true.

  24. barbara says:

    Ah. Not trying new is the sure way not to change.

  25. Tumblewords says:

    Ah, when it works! Nice limerick…

  26. Lucy Westenra says:

    I’m confident your luck will change. Keep the humour coming.

  27. carolee says:

    what fun! and perfect for st. patrick’s day!!

  28. Victoria says:

    I find that trying a new poetry form sometimes helps me get unstuck! Nice poem.

  29. madkane says:

    Thanks so much to all of you for your enthusiastic comments!

  30. Kavita says:

    hehehe… a good thing to do, Madeleine.. a change of task usually clears up a muddled/tired mind.. whheeww…

  31. madkane says:

    Thanks, Kavita!