Healthy Limerick

Once again, it’s Limerick-Off time. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

So I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A woman was on a campaign…

Here’s mine:

Healthy Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A woman was on a campaign
Which was driving her fam’ly insane.
Yes, her new “smart health” diet
Kept causing a riot:
Each dinner she served featured brain.

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity in my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please send me an email requesting the alerts. You’ll find my email address on the upper right sidebar, in the “Author” section just below my Limerick-Offs button. Thanks!

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35 Responses to “Healthy Limerick”

  1. jesse levy says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    so she boarded the back of a train
    She waved to the crowd
    and spoke very loud
    but she lost by ten points to McCain.

  2. jesse levy says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    to drive her friends insane
    she made up these rhymes
    and posted them at times
    And her name was Mad Begun Kane!

  3. A woman was on a campaign.
    She bought a case of champagne.
    She cajoled lots of men
    to make love and then
    she poured it all down the drain

  4. Bob Kennedy says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    To re-reform Egypt again
    “A vast military
    Takeover? Not scary.
    Prefer a theocratic vein!”

  5. Jessica says:

    Love the humour here – eating brains, egh!

    Here from Poetry Potluck.
    Jessica Japes

  6. Bobby Clark says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    From fast food she would now abstain.
    Eating salads all day
    From her diet she strayed
    Cooked a recipe from Adele’s book of fried brains.

  7. A woman was on a campaign
    To ice skate on Lake Pontchartrain
    She said, “here’s mah plannuh
    “to make Looziana
    “a lot more like Alsace-Lorraine!”

  8. Laurie Kolp says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    to wash Valentine’s down the drain,
    dispel hearts that crush
    and quell Cupid’s mush;
    then love locked her plans in a chain.

  9. scott says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    to ride on Michelle’s Healthy Train
    and help shape-up this Nation
    but when the train left the station
    she was parked in a fast-food McChain

  10. Jingle says:

    welcome to Jingle Poetry.

    smart portrayal of your subject..

    have fun reading a dozen others near yours…


  11. Hansi says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    Sarah Palin was her name.
    Be it on Face Book or Twitter
    The Internet did she litter,
    With thoughts both stupid and insane.

  12. Sally Franz says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    civic passion she did feign
    all she wanted was free eats
    and all the sweet gooey treats
    that politicos eat sans restrain

  13. A woman was on a campaign
    To find one good man she could name.
    Some were just dismal.
    The rest were abysmal.
    In the end she went with Elaine.

  14. Lee Magilow says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    To restrict all her carbs to whole grain.
    Fine for her that may be
    That much roughage for me
    would pass through like a hell bound train.

  15. Daisy Mae says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    To make fair inheritance gains
    Uber wealthy elitists
    Swore “You’ll not defeat us!”
    No spoils from the Bush gravy train.

  16. Wrexie says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    To improve the sanity of her brain.
    She stopped in at the local shrink
    To find her cerebral kink.
    The problem was her ex-husband Wayne!

  17. madkane says:

    Wow, what a delightful selection of limericks! Thanks, everyone, and please keep them coming!

  18. Shashi says:

    Dear Kane

    Brilliant.. and beautiful. I liked the limerick so much.. Thanks for sharing…

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  19. pamela says:

    Madeline, I don’t write limericks,
    but certainly do appreciate folks
    who do.

    I love it!

  20. fiveloaf says:

    no i am not going to do this but i love your posting really.. here’s my potluck to break your limerick haha. Happily Tied

  21. madkane says:

    Thanks for your kind words Shashi, pamela, and fiveloaf!

  22. Dr. Goose says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    That her faithful, but bumbling swain,
    While whisp’ring his ardor,
    Would make matters hotter
    With amorous legerdemain.

  23. Dr. Goose says:

    That’s one from the zombie dinner table: “Brains… braaaaaains!”

  24. madkane says:

    Very clever, Dr. Goose!

  25. bkmackenzie says:

    a woman was on a campaign
    when it started to hail and to rain
    so she looked up at the sky
    and kissed it good-bye
    heading to the bar until it did end….


  26. Claudia says:

    ha nice – some diets indeed eat brains instead of kilos…

  27. brian says:

    actually brains are not bad…i have eaten them for years…

  28. Steve Isaak says:

    Excellent, perversely funny.

  29. madkane says:

    Thanks very much, Steve! And thanks everyone for your comments and limericks, and please keep them coming.

  30. Versebender says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    To house train her husband’s great dane
    But as hard as she tried
    Her plan was denied
    His bladder he could not contain*

    *That would be the dog’s bladder, not her husband’s!

  31. Pam says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    For the right to stand naked in’t rain
    But her buttocks were huge
    And stopped the deluge
    Not to mention they made the neighbours complain!!

    (It scans better if it’s said in a Yorkshire or a Lancashire accent!)

  32. madkane says:

    Fun limericks, Pam and Versebender!

  33. I’d lose weight on that diet! Maybe I should try it:)

  34. Altonian says:

    A woman was on a campaign
    to ape old Quixote, in Spain
    She tilted for hours at tall growing flowers
    then gave up in pollen-drenched pain

  35. madkane says:

    Fun one, Altonian! Welcome!