Archive for January, 2011

Have You Ever Noticed…

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

This question will probably make me sound ageist and grumpy. In my preemptive defense, let me say:

1) I’ve been tossing AARP’s annoying magazine for years; and

2) I am grumpy.

So here’s my question: Have you ever noticed that Andy Rooney isn’t funny anymore?

I used to be a fan and would never turn 60 Minutes off until Rooney’s monologue was over. I even owned one of his humor collections. But I can’t remember the last time Andy Rooney made me laugh … or even giggle. These days his commentaries make me cringe.

Now to those who may argue that I’m not funny either, I say:

CBS doesn’t pay me a gazillion bucks a year to not be funny!

And no, this limerick isn’t funny either:

Have You Ever Noticed…
By Madeleine Begun Kane

At the risk of incurring some ire:
Andy Rooney should really retire.
It’s not that he’s old,
And I don’t mean to scold,
But he’s funny no more, and it’s dire.

Limerick Ode To My Limerick-Off Friends

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

This limerick is for all of my limerick and light-verse-loving friends who’ve participated in my Limerick-Offs here and on Facebook. I thank you all for your delightful verse. Without your contributions to my Limerick-Offs, they wouldn’t be nearly so much fun. I hope you’ve enjoyed them as much as I have. And I look forward to sharing more limericks with all of you in the coming year!

Limerick Ode To My Limerick-Off Friends
By Madeleine Begun Kane

To my Lim’rick-Off pals a big cheer!
It has sure been a versified year.
You have shared clever ditties
From so many cities
And towns. So I toast you. Hear! Hear!

Drunken New Year’s Limerick

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

I wrote this limerick right after Mark and I finished celebrating the new year with lots of champagne. Nice to know that I can write a limerick (more or less) while under the influence:

Drunken Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Can I write silly verse after drinking?
Let’s see. Wait a second — I’m thinking.
Can’t come up with a verse
Or a rhyme. Even worse,
I suspect that this limerick’s stinking.

And speaking of “under the influence,” never forget this important adage: Let he who is without gin blast the first groan.