Irreparable Poem
Irreparable Poem
By Madeleine Begun Kane
I’m writing some verse about mending.
My deadline is soon and unbending.
But alas I can’t fix it
And may have to nix it.
My problem? Can’t think of an ending.
(You can find more endings here.)
Tags: Editing Humor, Poetry Writing, Publishing Deadline
This entry was posted
on Saturday, June 21st, 2008 at 4:44 pm and is filed under Limericks, Writing & Publishing Humor.
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I so enjoyed your response to the prompt–hilarious!
great response…ahh deadlines…and mending, your work may be humorous but implies so much more. i think you might enjoy my submission this week as well,…
what a riot — great post!!!
as always! what a fun read. hehehe. :)