This Is A Warning (Limerick & Haiku Prompt)

Today’s limerick and haiku theme is warnings and/or caution. First, my limerick:

Please be careful when closing that door.
If it hits you, you’re bound to be sore.
My hand is still numb
From its catching my thumb,
And I’m thinking of suing this store.

And now my warning-related haiku:

Storm clouds fill the sky
as walkers heed their warning
while birds cheer them on.

Now, of course, it’s your turn. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to write a limerick or haiku (or both) about warnings and/or caution. When you’ve posted your verse, please return here and add a direct link to your themed poetry, using Mr. Linky. There’s no rush, by the way, because you have a whole week to post it.

(Note: My limerick was inspired in part by Sunday Scribblings’ “sore” prompt and Inspire Me Thursday’s “door” prompt.)


Limerick and Haiku Prompts Participants

1. Crafty Green Poet
2. Connie
3. Felix Morgenstern
4. gautami tripathy
5. Noah the Great
6. Lilibeth
7. Moe Lauher
8. Noah the Great
9. Granny Smith
10. Alan Summers

UPDATE: Mr. Linky is now closed, but you can still add links to your warnings and/or caution verse in the Comments. And if you’d like to participate in a new poetry prompt, you can always find my latest one here.

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15 Responses to “This Is A Warning (Limerick & Haiku Prompt)”

  1. I particularly like your haiku here – it partly inspired the one I wrote!

  2. Navtej Kohli says:

    The limerick style of yours is very nice. I tried to write myself by couldn’t get much luck. Still I will try for this week and see if I can come up with something.

  3. texasblu says:

    These are very clever! I’ll have to give it some thought and see if I can arise to your challenge. ;)

  4. Lilibeth says:

    A siren screamed loud in her ear
    And wrapped in the tension of fear
    She saw the lights flashing
    Their reds and blues clashing
    They sounded unusually near

    One long loud honking
    Sturdy steps lead under ground
    That tornado gone?

  5. madkane says:

    Thanks very much Crafty Green Poet, Navtej Kohli and Texasblu.

    I enjoyed yours too Crafty Green. And I look forward to your verse, Navtej Kohli and Texasblu. Welcome to my prompts!

    Amd Lilibeth, I like your two poems. Are they posted on your site? I wanted to modify your Mr. Linky link so it pointed to your themed post, but I couldn’t find these lovely poems there. In any event, thanks for participating in my latest prompt.

  6. Lilibeth says:

    No. Actually, I just wrote them for your comments, and because they are fun to do, but I’m rather afraid to post them without a lot of explaining, because my mom, daughter, sister, mother in law etc. faithfully read my blog, and they would immediately worry that I was in trouble with the police or had just been sitting through a tornado. Ha ha. Audiences, gotta love them.

  7. madkane says:

    Lilibeth, I certainly understand. But that’s a shame, because they are really good. Have you considered doing a reverse-Dave Barry and introducing your post with a simple: “I am making this up.”

  8. Missed the formal point again by presenting neither limerick nor haiku. At least it rhymes. Contentwise, however, I’m on target, I think.

  9. Lilibeth says:

    Ok. I decided to post them, but post dated them so they will appear in the older posts, and they are labeled. That way they will find them only if they decide to explore old posts. I changed my link to reflect that.

  10. I liked the limerick. I have been there, done that!

    ah, the anticipation

  11. MOe Lauher says:

    I reached back to February to respond to your warning prompt. Just found you and enjoying my visit.

  12. Alan Summers says:

    Here’s a storm warning haiku! ;-)

    channel-billed cuckoo
    beneath the dying fruit tree
    I hear its storm cry

    (Queensland, Australia)


  13. San says:

    oh im going to try!! how fun. :)

  14. Lilibeth says:

    OK. I wish I had not had to give this warning…but since I suffer, I’d might as well look on the bright side instead of whining. It does fit.