Silliest Haiku Ever?

This may well be the silliest haiku I’ve ever written.  But I was determined to use all five words of Poefusion’s latest prompt in a haiku:

Not so winsome gal
Flings cranberries at her prey.
Can’t lose quacky ducks.

And speaking about poetry prompts, I’ve just posted a new one: Taxing Verse Limerick & Haiku Prompt.

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5 Responses to “Silliest Haiku Ever?”

  1. paisley says:

    very clever.. i don’t know how you do it… but you continue to do it… don’t you???

  2. madkane says:

    Thanks so much Paisley!

    My husband Mark just came up with this haiku and asked me to post it:

    For a spring fling
    I seduced my winsome, quacky prey
    With cranberries.

  3. Tumblewords says:

    A brace of ducky flings! What fun!

  4. Michelle Johnson says:

    Hey Mad Kane, thanks for stopping by Poefusion again. I love your haiku because it makes me think of those fairs that come to town. You know the ones where you shoot at those ducks with water/ pellet guns. I always enjoyed going to the 4th of July fair with my great aunt Mary as a child and playing those kind of games. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    Also, tell your husband he is officially a haiku artist now. Have a nice weekend.

  5. Marcia (MeeAugraphie) says:

    They are both as close to perfection as perfection gets. Much fun to read.