What Will I Be When I Grow Up?

What Will I Be When I Grow Up?
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Ev’ry decade I change my career.
The first used my musical ear.
I tried lawyering second,
Till humor scribe beckoned.
What’s next? I just can’t wait to hear.


(You can find more of my employment humor here, my music humor here, and my legal humor here.)

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16 Responses to “What Will I Be When I Grow Up?”

  1. Holly says:

    Thank you so much for plugging the Feminism at its Finest carnival, I really appreciate it. Just think–From that carnival alone, you’ve gained another faithful reader–I always enjoy your humor.

  2. madkane says:

    You’re very welcome, Holly. It’s my pleasure. And I really appreciate your enthusiasm for my humor!

  3. Your limericks are so refreshing.

  4. paisley says:

    i am forever envious of your precise use of the language… excellent…

  5. Dennis says:

    Limericks are always fun. The last line is always like the prize in a box of Cracker Jack – lots of anticipation and then the payoff. Thanks!

  6. Alan Bender says:

    Good work is hard to find. But if you look herem its easy.

  7. That’s great, I do like a good limerick!

  8. Rambler says:

    I guess I need to learn humor from the master..
    amazing sense of humor you have.

  9. Rob Kistner says:

    Engaging limerick… about the many hats we wear and faces we put on during our journey of life.

  10. Tumblewords says:

    Clever and true for many of us. Good humor, Mad Kane!

  11. Jo says:

    Most humorously scribed!

  12. Sounds like we’re hearing what we’re here to hear!

  13. Dale says:

    :-) It was a great relief when I finally realized I wasn’t going to grow up at all, & so didn’t need to worry about it.

  14. CG Walters says:

    good fortune in your ever-progressing horizon, Madeleine!
    Peace and wonder,

  15. madkane says:

    Thanks so much, everyone!

  16. I like your wonderful sense of humor and I love the hat. I am a hat person as well. They give me a sense of style that nothing else can achieve.