Office Politics

Office Politics
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Your career is at stake, you should know,
And you don’t want that guy as a foe.
Though his title ain’t fancy,
To mock him is chancy:
That fellow’s the president’s beau. 

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6 Responses to “Office Politics”

  1. At one point I worked for a company that seemed to have a real bimbo as the head of strategy. Turned out she’d been selling office furniture and was “discovered” by our randy president who decided she was underutilized in her chair-and-desk selling capacity. She didn’t last long, but it was quite a scene while she did.

  2. Paul says:

    I love office humor. I think it helps that it is so often close to the truth.

  3. madkane says:

    Thanks Paul and thanks for the story Maureen!

  4. Empowerment4Women - 33rd Carnival of Feminists at The Greatest Blog You’ll (Probably) Never Read says:

    Mad Kane jokes about Office Politics.

  5. Wow… office politics in rhyme… gotta love it! It is all about relationships and who knows whom, isn’t it? FYI, I’ve been doing a lot of writing on this topic on my own site ( and am also a contributing author on – both are good resources for those curious about going deeper into the topic.

    Great post.

  6. madkane says:

    Thanks for your nice words and for letting me know about those two sites.