Taking A Vacation On The Contract Plan

Planning a vacation can often be a daunting challenge. Especially when one spouse likes to rough it and the other prefers luxuries like toilets, showers, and cable TV. So what’s a couple to do? Well, they can take separate trips. Or they can negotiate and sign on the dotted line.

AGREEMENT, entered into this _________, 20__ by Husband and Wife.

WHEREAS, Husband’s ideal vacation requires hiking boots, compasses, sleeping bags, and knapsacks and doesn’t cost a dime;

WHEREAS, Wife’s ideal vacation requires a five star resort;

WHEREAS, Husband is a spontaneous kind of guy who likes to pick his trips by throwing a coin onto a trail map; … (Taking A Vacation On The Contract Plan is continued here.)

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7 Responses to “Taking A Vacation On The Contract Plan”

  1. Conservative Cat says:


    Newgrounds: He’s Not Yet Dead (Language and Violence Warning… And I would count it as a personal favor if someone could leave a translation for the latin bit at the begining in a comment. Thanks!) Mad Kane’s Humor Blog:……

  2. First Carnival » Carnival of the Vanities #208 says:

    […] Mad Kane’s Humor Blog gives us Taking a Vacation on the Contract Plan. Unfortunately for me, it struck me as more sensible than funny, but your mileage will almost definately vary. Good thing I married someone who likes the same sorts of vacations. *grin* […]

  3. […] Madeleine Begun Kane at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog has a suggested contract for planning vacations. A great idea for many families I know! […]

  4. […] Madeleine Begun Kane at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog has a suggested contract for planning vacations. A great idea for many families I know! […]

  5. Jenny Ryan says:

    Excellent idea! I may have to adapt this for some of our future vacations :)

  6. Kailani says:

    Great post. I’m usually the one who does all the planning. Everyone else is just along for the ride.

    Here via Carnival of Family Life.

  7. madkane says:

    Thanks very much Jenny and Kailani!